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The way to the hospital was a complete blur of terror and tears. Aidan's mom said to stay calm before we know what exactly happened and the damage that was done. Apparently there was a man talking on his phone as he runned over a red light. Aidan tried to swerve the car but the damage was already done. I can't even imagine the sound of glass shattering and the squealing tires. 

He hurt his face and nose when he hit the steering wheel and the airbag, that leaving green and purple bruises all over his perfect shaped face. Fortunately, there was no internal damage, just some sore ribs and an almost sprained wrist. The doctor told us not to panic as there was signs of recovery already, because of his history with injuries from his hockey career. Just to be sure, they wanted to keep him under observation at least five days more, depends on the time his body decides to wake him up. He also had sings of a pretty bad concussion so we'll see what can be done on that. Right now, all it matters is for Aidan to wake up soon, and fine. 

Florence bought us coffees, a decaf for me and some pastries from the hospital cafeteria. Aidan's sister, Sarah, along with her husband and dad were on their way over here, and Elle and Jake went to bring me a change of clothes from home. Florence insisted to sleep at home but that was impossible. Aidan would've done the same for me, if not a lot more. It's times like this when you actually realise the importance of someone in your life, and also the love you carry for them. If you told me two years ago I'll be on a hospital chair, waiting for Aidan, my boyfriend, to wake up, while I softly tap my bump just to feel our baby girl moving inside me, I would've laghed in your face. Crazy what a birthday party can do. Crazy, but damn wonderful. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Except for Aidan to come back home. Come back home to us, to me, to our perfectly messed up life. My breath catches in my throat and my heart rattles in its cage as my chest constricts. I can feel the tears burning the corners of my eyes again and I'm a damn mess all over again. The tears fall down the sides of my face and I glance out the window as I wipe them away. He has to be okay. Everything we have can't end like this. Our story isn't over yet. He promised. Aidan promised me forever. And I believed him. I still do. 

I find an empty seat along the back wall, away from most of the people waiting, and I drop my head into my hands as the tears completely consume me. A sob racks through my body and the panic sets in. I know I was more in shock when it first happened and now the reality of the situation is setting in. A million things run through my mind. The way he hit his head, does he have some kind of head trauma? Jesus, this is too much. I don't know if I can even take it. Without thinking, I rise to my feet and leave the waiting room, the cold evening air stings my face as I step outside and begin to pace. I pace back and forth—back and forth. I'm losing track of time. I'm losing my mind without knowing what is going on. My feet don't stop moving until my legs are aching and my heels feel like there are blisters forming.

"He'll be okay, Cara." Ella murmurs, brushing my hair back with one of her hands. "This is Aidan we're talking about. He's always been one stubborn asshole. You know he'll make it out of this."

Turning my head to the side, I rest my cheek on her chest, my tears soaking through her sweatshirt. "But what if he doesn't?"

Ella doesn't say anything and only hugs me tighter, her hand still stroking my hair like mom always did when I needed to be comforted. I want to believe her, to agree with her and be positive. I want her to be right, but what if he's wrong about this? I need her to be right.

I need him to be okay...

Because I'm not so sure I can live in this world without him.


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