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My eyelids pop open and I realise I’m in a car.

"What the hell?" Aidan is in front of me, inches from my face. "What are you doing?"

"You fainted." His rich eyes flicker back and forth between mine, to my mouth and back. "I’m taking you to the hospital."

Fainted? How could I have? I shake my head, but it makes me woozy. 

"You collapsed and then passed out. You want me to call someone for you? Family?"

"I’m puking all day long, but I’m fine. My midwife says it’ll pass in a few more weeks. And no, I'm alone in Vegas, my family is in Seattle." I groan, feeling a headache coming. 

"Oh fuck, don't tell me you're a Seattle Kraken fan" He groans and I say:

"Really? I just told you I'm pregnant with your child, throwed up, fainted, and that's what matters?"

"I'm joking, shortcake! I know you love our team better." On top of that, he fucking winks at me…

"Thank you," I whisper. “I’m so sorry about all of this."

The palm of his hand taps the steering wheel repeatedly. "Let’s just get you checked out to make sure you’re okay. Then we’ll talk."

"I’m keeping the baby."

"Good, I’m glad. Shortcake, can you stay awake for me, please?" 

"I'm tired." I whisper as my eyes close and I drift off.

I wake again when his arms are beneath my knees and behind my back. "I can walk."

"Morning, let’s not risk that today."

"May I help you?" The woman behind the counter glances at us with little change in her expression. It must not be the first time she’s seen a woman carried into the ER like a bride.

"She’s pregnant and has fainted twice in the last half hour and she’s puking."

Her black eyes drift to me. "Name?"

"Cara Davis," I whisper. My throat is dry and every tiny movement of Aidan’s arm makes me feel like I’m on a roller coaster.I meet his gaze: "Please put me down. I’d feel better on my feet."

Thick black brows pull together before he nods. 

With a few clicks of her fingers on the keyboard, I answer a handful of questions and she gestures to the chair. "Have a seat. A doctor will be with you two soon."

 "Please," I say, my voice hoarse. It hurts to talk. I push my tongue to the roof of my mouth to stop what I know is about to happen.

Not here. Not in the waiting room. Not in front of him again.

"I need a bag," I moan and a kidney-shaped tub is thrust in front of me.

Aidan’s hand goes to my side and he holds me to him as I bend forward, gagging.

"Fuck." I moan, unable to help myself. This is the most miserable month of my life.

"Cara Davis?" a new, male voice says and Aidan helps me turn toward the direction of double doors that have swung open. 

"Thanks," I mumble. "I’m sorry."

His hand on my arm tenses. "Stop apologizing, will you?"

This is the worst I’ve been and I’m barely able to move. I'm so exhausted.

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