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My bladder began to throb, and I slid out of bed, grabbing Aidan's sweater  to pull over my body.

I padded into the bathroom, catching sight of myself in the mirror. Lord, I was a mess. My hair was like a bird's nest, all tangled, and there were shadows beneath my eyes the size of Alaska. And yet I couldn't help but smile. The happiness was spilling out of myself.

Aidan hadn't moved at all while I was in the bathroom. In the gloom of the night I could see the outline of his bare torso, the white sheet tangled around his waist. His arms were splayed out as though he'd fallen asleep mid-yawn, and I couldn't help but grin.

He was amazing. Truly amazing.

As quietly as possible, I climbed back into bed, lifting the sheet around me as I snuggled against his chest. I could feel his hand stroke my messed up hair. 

"Hi." he groaned, his voice heavy with sleep. "Where were you?"

"Bathroom. Did I wake you?"

He rolled closer, pressing his lips against my brow.

 "I've been on the edge of being awake all night." He slid his lips to my cheek. 

"Do you need anything? Water? Pickles dipped in chocolate?"

I laughed. "Do people actually crave those things? I can't think of anything worse."

"As a guy, I like to believe they're a test to see if we'll make a good dad. If we run out as soon as you ask us for something, then you know you can rely on us."

"Were you this deep all the time?" I joked.

He shrugged. "Just a hypothesis." 


Cara- one week later

"Stop pacing, honey, you'll wear yourself out."

I shoot a glare at Aidan and spin on my heels, pacing another lap in the doctor's incredibly tiny waiting room. There's no way I can wear myself out when there's only ten feet of room.

"I'm just nervous."

We're in the waiting room at the radiologist's office, moments away from our ultrasound. We're finally finding out if our baby is a boy or a girl, and I'm so excited I can't stand myself.

"I know. Come here."

Like always when Aidan gets bossy, I listen, mostly because I'm learning every day he only has my best interests at heart. When I get close to him, he grabs my hand and pulls me onto his lap.

"I can't stay on your lap in the waiting room."

He grins. "Ah, but you can stay whenever and wherever you want."

"Don't turn me on in the doctor's office."

"Cara Davis?"

Both of us turn our heads in the direction of the feminine voice. A nurse is standing at the door, blond hair pulled up into a topknot, teal blue scrubs on and a clipboard in her hand.

"I think that's our cue." Aidan says, his hand on my back, guiding me to my feet.


"Let's go see what we made, shall we?" He grins down at me. I pick my purse up off the chair and look at him over my shoulder.

"Girl." I guess.

"Healthy." Aidan counters. He always says it, he's absolutely right though.

Even when I've tried to make him choose a gender he just shakes his head, kisses me and then my belly, and says, "As long as it's healthy."


"I'm just so damn happy!" I grin at him with eyes filled with tears and for a split second, Aidan looks completely stunned.

Then he does what he always does when I'm a complete, massive wreck.

He yanks me into his arms and he kisses me.

"You okay now?" he asks when he pulls back. His eyes are glimmering with moisture and happiness.

"No. I'm a mess."

"You're a beautiful mess. Come on, I have something planned for you."

I'm ushered into our all time favorite diner and as soon as we step inside, the entire diner erupts with cheers so loud I jump back into him.


I can't believe this. I'm swept into a euphoria as I scan the room.Jack and Ella. Our parents, some of his teammates. It's amazing. Everyone important is here.

"Oh my gosh!" I throw my hands to my mouth and then turn, and throw my arms around Aidan.

 "You planned all this?"

"Wanted everyone we love to celebrate with us. Should we tell them?"

I grin at him. I probably look insane,. Not that I'm not. "Can I?"

"Go for it, baby."

I spin on my feet and throw my hands in the air, shouting:

"We're having a baby girl!"

Shouts go up, more shouts and cheers and clapping hands and I'm rushing into Ella's arms, then my mom's and Florence's, when I'm suddenly yanked back by Aidan's hand grabbing mine and pulling me back to him, giving me the most emotional kiss I've ever had.

"Can you believe it?" Ella asked, squeezing my hand.

 "It feels like only yesterday we were founding out the gender of your little baby, and now we're doing a baby shower for you." 

I grinned when I saw the sign on the front desk. Baby Powell – Main Ballroom. 

"I can't believe it's only ten weeks until this little lady arrives." I admitted. "The past couple of months have flown by. I've been so busy trying to get everything done I don't feel like I've had time to breathe anymore."

"Hi Cara, honey. Sorry for disturbing but, have you seen Aidan today?" Florence asked and I could tell she was really worried.

"Well, he went to practise a few hours ago and he said he'll meet us here. Why? Is everythong ok?"

"Well I don't-" Her phone rang. 

"Wait a second honey, it's Aidan's coach that's calling."

"Yes, yes I'm also with her. Alright I won't but were is he exactly? He was supposed to be here a long time ago." Florence said and all I could do was think of the worst case scenario.

"What- what do you mean?" Watching his mom, I could already feel her panick increase by the passing seconds.

"Alright, we'll be right there. Thank you, yes, please stay if you can." She hung up.

"Is he alright? Where is he, Florence?"

I asked, feeling a wetness on my two cheecks.

"Cara, I'm so sorry. Please don't-"

"Where is he, Florence? I asked again, even though I already knew the answer.

"He's in the hospital, honey. He had a car accident on the way here and coach called 911 when he passed by and recognised his car."

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