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Silence falls in Aidan's home after he leaves my room with Kitty. It's amazing he can be so rude to me and yet obviously love animals so much to foster them. I'd like to think it's because he might be more of an animal person than a people person, but unfortunately, I think the blame of his rudeness sits squarely on my shoulders.

Would we have talked and laughed and maybe had another round of hot sex before he kicked me out without getting my number?

An hour ago, I slipped into his T-shirt, unbuttoned my jeans, keeping them fastened with a hair tie I've taken to carrying on my wrist for when my jeans become too tight. If I sleep, I'll dream of Aidan and the memories of hot sex. Without fail, they come almost every night.

If I talk to him, I risk upsetting him.

"Can't sleep?" I shake my head, almost scared of how he knew I was in the kitchen at 1 am in the morning.

"You don't have any olives, do you?"

"Cravings?" I wish I could erase that stupid smirk off his stupidly hot face.

"Sort of, yeah."

"I don't think so, but I can go see if a store is open."

"Sweet, but I don't want to bother you anymore."

"Look Davis, we got to have a talk. I'll do the talking. First, the reason you're asking for olives is because that's the only thing the baby I put in you wants right now. Second, I'm pretty sure I brought you here because I said I want to keep you safe. Any questions till now?"

I shake my head, almost on the verge of tears. I hate pregnancy hormones.

"Good, glad I could help. Now, you want olives?"

"Actually...they sound like a really bad idea. I can feel my stomach rolling right now."


I shake my head.

"Want a massage?"


"Come on, let's get you to bed."
And, I'm pretty sure...that sleep was the best sleep I've ever had.


In the kitchen, I grab crackers and 7 Up for Cara and head to her room. I've already let Kitty out more than once this morning and as soon as we came back, she trotted to Cara's doorway, and lay down across the threshold.

I've checked on her several times and she hasn't moved, but when I round the corner this time she's sitting, nose almost pressed to the door, and a tinny whine escapes her.

"What is it baby girl?" I ask.

I haven't had her long, but I'm more than amazed at how she wants to be close to Cara.

As she continues to whine and scratch the door, my steps speed. Her ears are pulled back, on alert, and I've long since learned animals know more than we think they do.

Shoving aside manners and politeness, I open the door to Cara's room expecting to see her still sleeping. Instead, her covers are thrown back and the bed is empty. The bathroom door is closed but the light is on, coming from beneath the door and eventually, so is the vivid sound of retching.

"Shit." I drop the crackers and pop on the dresser and move double-time to the bathroom, where I find Cara's hunched over the toilet.

Katty is still behind me, whining, but it's Cara who has my full attention.

Promise Me ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora