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"No, I didn’t get robbed." I look around the one-room studio apartment just to make sure, but everything looks to be right where I left it, and I inwardly cringe. 

Now, he’s living in an amazing penthouse, just as rich as every other guy I’ve dated. Who cares that my apartment is the size of a shoebox. 

"You’re not staying here."

"Excuse me?"

"You can’t stay here. It’s too damn small. What are you going to do when you have our kid here?"

I should probably start planning for that. My apartment is so small I have no idea how I’ll fit a crib in. I shrug. "I’ll figure it out."

He flashes me a look like he’s just stepped in a steaming pile of dog crap.

"Pack your shit. You’re moving in with me."

What? He has to be kidding. "No! Why?"

"Because this place is a shithole in an unsafe neighborhood. You can barely walk up the stairs right now and you’ve been sick. You can’t stay here alone and there’s no place to put him or anything the baby will need, like a crib." His eyes bounce around the room again. "Where the fuck do you even sleep?"

"The couch pulls out and it’s plenty comfortable. It’ll be fine."

"For fuck's sake, Cara! You can't raise our child here. You barely have any space for yourself. Imagine this minuscule space with a kid."

I'm pretty sure the baby feels we're talking about him/her because besides the bile coming up my throat, I also feel like sobbing.

I do an about-face, run to my bathroom, and barely make it before I empty the contents of the breakfast Aidan had made for me.

"Shit baby. Stop making your mom sick." Aidan whispers while he rubs my back up and down.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just stress." I whisper back because right now my throat feels like he's on fire.

"I'm sorry shortcake."

"It's alright, you're just bossy and I'm stubborn. Perfect combo."

"More like a disaster." He winks.

"Neeh babe, we're a work in progress." I say and I swear all the color drains from his face and before I can say something he mumbles:

"Right, um…well, I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow. Keep me posted with the doctor's appointments."

Aaaand he's gone. I just scared a big, scary hockey player just by calling him babe. Hmm, I guess I'm more powerful than I thought I were.


"You have to apologize to her, you dickhead." Jake says. We're just leaving the rink after two tiring hours of practice. Our next game is in three days and all I can think about is Cara and the baby. We talked about her next appointment, but I'm just glad she's not feeling sick anymore.

"I know, I know." I plan on inviting her to our game on Friday. Hopefully she'll say yes.

"You think she'll come with all the food around?"

"Yeah, I think so. She told told her nausea started to disappear so–"

"Bro, what!? I knew the moment Ella told me about it that you don't know about this shit."

I'm confused as shit. "What are you talking about man?" 

"Dude, your baby mama has been having a fever since yesterday. And, she's still throwing up even though she has nothing left in her stomach. Ella drove by and stopped to see how she was doing and found her on that little shit couch all shivering and shit."

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