Carina had bought a red dress with smocking around the collar that included Santa and while it wasn't quite the normal style of clothes they bought, but Nora was absolutely in love with it and it was what she picked to wear today.

She has also found a vintage looking Santa on a sweatshirt that she bought for both girls because of their love of Babbo Natale right now and that was what Rowan picked to wear along with a pair of red leggings.

They looked very cute in their outfits, Carina braiding Rowan's hair into two braids while pulling half of Nora's curls up, leaving the other half handing down. She also allowed the twins to help her pick out her clothes for the day, which ended up being a pair of jeans and a sweater she had bought for an ugly Christmas sweater party a few years prior that Maya insisted was too cute to be ugly.

Once everyone was ready, Carina got the twins into the car and headed to the station, Rowan complaining again that her "yegs were quished" in the car. The girls were at the age where they would be able to turn their car seats around, but Maya and Carina had been putting it off because it was safer for them to ride rear facing as long as possible. However, with Rowan's constant complaints, Carina made a mental note to ask Maya, who was a certified car seat technician, to turn them around soon.

They got to the station, the twins practically jumping out of their seats to get into the building they had been coming to since they were tiny.

"Bambine, you need to slow down and hold my hands," Carina said as the twins were about to run, "There are going to be a lot of people here today, not just your aunties and uncles so you cannot just run around with me or Mommy or someone with you, ok?"

"Otay," both girls said, holding Carina's hands.

The Italian knew that Nora would be glued to either her, Maya, or Travis all day but that Rowan would likely be a bit more difficult to keep track of. The tiny blonde seemed to think she owned the station most of the time and was in constant motion, much like her mommy. Carina walked into the station, smiling at the Christmas and just general winter décor that filled the lobby.

"Welcome to Station 19 we...oh, hey Carina," Vic said, realizing who had just walked in.

"Auntie Bic," Rowan and Nora both said, each attaching to one of Vic's legs.

"Hmmm," Vic said, "Is there something on my legs?"

She took a step, both girls laughing hysterically. This was one part of being around a lot of firefighters that the twins had recently discovered. They loved clinging onto people's legs and being carried around like that. They had tried it with Carina before and also Amelia and Teddy and had been severely disappointed when their mamma and her friends were unable to carry them around on their legs.

"Ok Bambine," Carina laughed, "Should we go find Mommy?"

"Si," both girls said, detaching themselves from their aunt's legs.

"I think she is in the barn helping with activities," Vic said, noticing another group coming in and going to greet them. Rowan went to run toward the barn.

"Rowan," Carina said, "What did I say?"

"No wunning," Rowan said, "Sowwy, Mamma."

"It's ok," Carina said, as Rowan walked back over to her, "Thank you for listening."

The three of them walked into the barn, finding Maya standing at the entrance.

"Mommy," the girls said, running into her arms as she bent down, hugging both of them tightly.

"You both have such cute clothes on today," Maya said, smiling at them, "Did you have a good morning with Mamma?"

"Si," Rowan said as Nora played with the bugles on Maya's collar, "Yook, it's Babbo Natale on my shirtshirt."

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