„Please, do call me Frigga. There is no need to be formal when you are the reason that my son stops misbehaving." She smiles and takes a sip of her tea. And it does not bother me in the slightest. „Beyond everything, I have invited you for a cup of tea, did I not?"

Her genuine smile was contagious. I too start to smile and I thank her for the opportunity to enjoy the afternoon with the queen.

„My dear," she speaks up and I perk up to give her my full attention back from me enjoying this devilish delicious tea. „You did nothing wrong. If my husband had ever listened to me, he would know that Anubis was not such a bad god. Nothing compared to ours. And you have made the right decision. A hard one but a certain stake."

I glance down at my tea as my fingers tap the porcelain. „So you know who I am?"

„I do, I was raised by witches, my child."

Well said, we finish off our teas along with some small talks of my home, the Afterworld, and Asgard. The afterworld is the complete opposite of the contrast given by Asgard. Though, even if it's darker, most colors are black and shades of grey, the most beautiful part is the souls who give the light for the lead. I was one of those souls. The darkest among the others. That's how I got the name Shadow. My soul is still me but even that soul has changed.

Asgard has a bright contrast compared to my realm. It's a royal place, we can see that. The buildings and streets are all covered by gold. Yet I see the difference between the people. The ones who don't live or work for the palace are affected by poverty.

That's another difference between our worlds. In the afterworld, everybody gets treated equally. I guess this omen goes on Odin...

As we ended our little tea party, Frigga shows me the way to my place to stay.

"Now why don't you make yourself at home in the palace? I will show you the chambers you can stay in." We take a few more turns, I follow her heels. "This is where you will be staying for the nights."

She opens the door of my room. To our surprise, Loki sits on his bed, a book in his hand, also a bit startled by our coming.

"Mother?" Loki questions and at the same time I say his name. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I got surprised by my sons' visitors. If I knew I would have prepared some chambers for the guests," she tells him, almost like a scold. She holds out her hand to gesture to me to enter what I do. I mumble a small thanks. "Now, will you please be a gentle host and show her around? You will need to be sharing the bed." She turns back to me with an apologetic smile. "If you will please excuse me. I need to have a word with the king. And Loki, behave!"

Soon she exits the room and leaves Loki with his mouth wide open. I couldn't hold back my laugh and I buckle down from laughing too loud. All he does is roll his eyes and get up from the bed.

He saunters towards me and his face stops inches away from me. His green irises stare directly into mine and I catch my heart beating faster. I gulp as his hand half-strokes my waist and quickly I close my eyes to hold my feelings in.

I perk my eyes open when I hear the clinking noise behind me. A smug smirk is placed on his pissed feature. That's when I realize he had opened the door and I blocked it from where I stood.

"Never ignore the Allmother's order, princess."

There is that nickname again. And it sends a shiver down my spine.

No more Feelings. No. I have to push them away.

He walks past me, I even heard a chuckle from him. I gasp inaudibly from my stupidy and follow him as if nothing happened. He shows me around the palace, mostly I have already seen with Frigga. But the way Loki shows me around, he is blooming. If I weren't too tired, I would have enjoyed it and maybe even listened.

I guess Loki noticed that I wasn't completely focused. So we haven't seen much and went straight back to his chamber. He pushes the door open and I step inside after him.

"Loki, I'm sorry. Maybe you can show me around another time. This day was just too much for me."

He sits on a black armchair that has some golden templets drawn on it. He points to the bed but I just raise a brow. "You don't have to apologize. I do understand."

Then a knock makes me turn around. A maiden stands right at the entrance waiting for Loki's permission since I haven't shut the door yet. Loki nods and so the maiden starts to bring the message.

"My prince," the blonde young girl speaks. She avoids eye contact by staring at the floor. I can sense that she's uncomfortable speaking with Loki. Perhaps because he doesn't have a great reputation anymore here on Asgard but that doesn't stop her to do her job. It makes me sad to think that he's the fallen prince of Asgard. "The queen requested for you and your lady's attendance in the dining hall at sunset. It's a small family gathering."

Loki sends her a smile and waves the maiden away. Both of us let out a deep sigh. I am too tired to even think about it. With Loki's finger still pointing at the bed, I plummet onto it. My fingers start to draw circles on the smooth satin sheet. His bed smells a mixture of mint and pine with a hint of leather.

"Why are we getting invited to a family dinner?" I start to question out aloud as unsettling Feeling tugs in my stomach. I take a deep breath before sitting back up. I reopen my eyes, which I haven't noticed that I had closed them. I must be truly exhausted. "Doesn't your dad already hate us both?"

Loki snickers and gets up from his armchair to sit next to me. "I might add: if Mother does have a liking for you, then Odin has to find you at least acceptable. The queen knows well how to wrap him around her fingers."

Not turning my head, I turn my gaze onto him. I admire how whenever he talks about his mother a heartwarming smile spread upon his lips. But as soon anyone mentions the name of the king his body tenses up and he scrunches his nose.

"I like your mother," I mumble and lean my head against his shoulder.

I feel him tensing up but he relaxes quickly. "You should rest before dining."

I just hum in response. My eyelids feel so heavy and his shoulder is way too comfortable to reposition myself. So that's how I fell asleep.

Author's Note:

My beloved readers!

How are you feeling today?

Question of the day:
Do you think Odin is up with something?

Shadow Butcher (LokixAvengersxOC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα