18. jungkook

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So I overheard this asshole apologizing to Luna this morning. Very unnatural behavior for Min Yoongi, but he obviously has benefits to reap that he won't without an apology. This whole mess on Saturday must be about the confession he made. This 'give me an answer' talk was pissing me off, so I can only imagine how Luna is feeling. Especially since she's clearly stalling with the answer.

I don't give a shit about Yoongi and his goddamn confession. It's not love he wants from her and not love he has for her. He's got his business in this, and I will not let him use her like that. She doesn't deserve bullshit like this.

But again, it's not only about Yoongi. It's about me, too, and the fact that I genuinely love her. And I'm not sure she knows. Maybe she guessed I'm attracted to her. She definitely knows I like her like a friend, but that's not enough.

I want to be clear about what I stand on.

And if Joon was right? If he's not delusional and Luna feels /something/ towards me? The attraction is obvious, but it's physical. If anything, I want more than physical. Or maybe I should take whatever I'm given.

"We could have a guitar solo here," Jimin says, showing me the sheet of paper with our lyrics. "A short one, before the bridge."

"Oh, like that one Luna did in their concert in Sally's night club. Two years ago," I say, kind of mindlessly. This guitar solo lives in my mind ever since.

I can feel the air in the room still. When I look up, Jimin is exchanging surprised glances with Luna.

"You remember it?" she asks.

"Of course. That was an insane performance. The moment you said 'let's fucking rock', shit went down." I chuckle. I actually remember every second of this gig. "I was gone for an hour, with this one guy I met there."

"You... were there?" she asks.

"I've been at your every gig." I shrug, like it's not a big deal. Like I'm not utterly obsessed with Cat Crashed The Party.

I'm giving up the façade I raised in the past three years completely. It's useless now.

Her eyes stay wide on me. "Why are you surprised? You do fucking rock, it's fun," I say.

"Aren't you just... learning about your rival band?" she asks carefully.

I could say something along the lines of 'sure, I have to be aware of the competition', but I'm fucking over it. I'm not going to pretend anymore. Besides me and Yoongi, there is no true rivalry in this room, anyways.

"No," I say. "You actually fucking rock. I know every single song you released and I watched your every gig live."

"Dude, you want a 'number one fan' badge?" Taehyung jokes. Luna's still processing the fact. I glance at Yoongi, but his face is in his phone. He either doesn't care or doesn't want to show that he does.

"You guys give out those?" I ask.

"We've never met a fan like that, but we might start," Taehyung says. "How long have you been listening to us?"

I click my tongue. "Ever since your first song?"

"No shit." Jimin gasps. "Why did you never tell us?!"

"Why is it so surprising to all of you?" I chuckle, playing random tunes on my guitar. "I've known Cat Crashed The Party since the day it was formed. I've been a fan since Shit, My Car's On Fire. Which is still one of my favorite songs, by the way."

Luna and Taehyung exchange telling glances.

"I guess I'll design the fan badges now." She huffs a laugh. Our eyes meet and her smile softens.

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