12. jungkook

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This Saturday was one of the best days of my life. We spent the whole Saturday together. The actual conversation first. Plying the guitar together, watching movies together, eating together twice. Even when we did our own thing, we were around each other all the time.

On Sunday, Luna was out with 'her friends', she said, but when me and Jimin went to Namjoon to show him a song I've been writing, Yoongi was in the room. I pulled Joon out, and the three of us went back to my room, because nothing in this world would make me talk about my music around Yoongi.

So Luna is avoiding Yoongi. For the most part, at least. That's how it looks like. I wonder if it has anything to do with what happened on the first day we came here.

Yesterday, we gave Cat Crashed The Party the practice room for the day. I spent the whole day with Jimin and Namjoon again, working on all the visuals for our Rock Out performance. When I came to my room at 11, Luna was already asleep.

We're back to regular room schedule on Tuesday. And Namjoon starts off with a banger.

Behind the drums, he asks, "Can I ask you something, Luna?"

Everyone stills. If these two have ever interacted, I have no idea about it. I glance at Namjoon, exchange looks with Jimin, and settle my eyes on Luna, on the couch with Taehyung, as they look at something on his phone.

"Sure," she says, but doesn't sound sure at all.

Even I am holding my breath. But then Joon asks, "Why is your band name like that?" and I swear, everyone loosens up. Jimin even chuckles, probably having expected something crazier.

"There is actually a deep, meaningful story behind it," Taehyung says, dropping his phone, nibbling on an empty lollipop stick.

She's kneeling on the couch, one arm resting on his shoulder. Sometimes I genuinely envy them that kind of friendship. Even if I don't know much about them, it's visible they are comfortable together and close. They care about each other, genuinely.

Everyone is watching Luna, waiting for the heart-wrenching back story of Cat Crashed The Party, and she says, "I fucking love cats, man."

"That's it? You love cats?" Jimin asks.

So much is happening. A normal interaction between Cat Crashed The Party and Sound Of Selene. Making a mental note of Luna loving cats. Wondering how I can use it to benefit myself and disadvantage Yoongi.

"That's it," she says. "Our old guitarist used to crash every party before we became a band and it was some sort of an inside joke. It came together somehow. Cat crashing a party is a cool concept."

Nothing but facts.

"What about yours?" she asks, looking at me.

I chuckle and go back to tuning my guitar. "It doesn't mean anything."

"Bullshit." Luna lets out a low laugh. "It's too specific and original not to mean anything. Who's Selene, huh?"

I lock our eyes. In Greek mythology, Selene is the goddess of the Moon. Her Roman equivalent, the divine embodiment of the Moon, is Luna.

"I could tell you what the name means, but I won't," I say.

"We don't know, either, don't worry," Jimin adds.

They liked it, we went with it, no one questioned it. And why on Earth would I tell them everything in my life revolves around one woman?

"Why can't you say it?" she asks me, way too curious for my own good.

"Some people in this room won't like it." I smile tellingly, eyes on the guitar. And some people (me) are too shy to actually admit it out loud.

Luna turns to Yoongi and asks, "Do you know?"

ONE ROCKSTAR PER ROOMحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن