14. jungkook

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"This one. I need to wear this to a party," Luna says, displaying sixth black dress on the bed.

My eyes settle on the dress that's basically a corset with a skirt part barely reaching upper thighs. Sleeveless, a layer of lace over the black material of the corset.

Luna looks at me like she has a good idea and, after a pause, says, "Let's go to a club tonight. All of us."

"All of us?"

"I mean... almost... all of us."

All of us, excluding Yoongi. This whole thing isn't even about pissing him off anymore. I genuinely can't stand the idea of letting her get hurt. That's why I searched for her, that's why I went shopping with her. Because I care more than Yoongi could ever. I care about Luna, not about pissing Yoongi off.

But a party without him sounds good. "Alright," I say. "I'll text Jimin and Joon."

"Tell them at 11. I need to get ready."

"You'll take 4 hours to get ready?"

"This is literally nothing," she says, and disappears in the bathroom.

I glance at the dress, sigh, knowing I have to take it all in sober, and text Jimin and Namjoon.

I was right. I could trail behind Luna when she's shopping for the rest of my life. The cute little gasps, adding more to the piles of clothes in my arms (because she refused to carry it), sitting on whatever I could find in the dressing room, waiting for her to swing the door open and tell me whether she's buying or not. Heaven. Absolutely heaven.


The club is nothing special. From the entrance, down the stairs and through the hall, the muffled fast paced music gains volume. The actual club space full of people, loud, thankfully air-conditioned. Smells like beer and a citrus air refresher. A bar at the far end, three couches in front of it, creating the non-dancing area. Red neon lights on the walls keeping things private and sensual, yet visible. Quite a nice mood.

Luna disappears somewhere with Taehyung first. The three of us settle at the bar. I don't drink, mostly because of my father, but luckily no bar has ever told me they don't sell iced Coke. Jimin and Namjoon take one shot each.

"The practice room was a mess after you left," Jimin says.

"What do you mean?"

"I've never seen Taehyung so mad," Namjoon answers. "He put Yoongi in place."

"Piece of shit." I scoff. When Jimin frowns, I add, "Yoongi. Taehyung's alright."

"Yeah, Min Yoongi is something else." Jimin huffs. "The fuck was his problem with that song? It's fucking good. The lyrics gets me," he says, humming one of the lines. "If I break your bones, you'll bleed the same blood I spit on your shoes."

"They can win Rock Out with this song alone. But his ass is trembling at the idea of queer people, Jimin," I say. With them, I can be as insensitive about him as I want to. "His band is mostly queer, and they want to sing a song about equality for queer people, and he is supposed to play with them. It's like his worst nightmare."

"How is he in that band and queerphobic?" Jimin ask.

"I'd fucking like to know," I say.

We stay here, the two of them drinking, until Taehyung – tipsy – comes to us giggling and takes Jimin away. Namjoon disappears, too, saying he's going to find a hook up.

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