chapter 35 - anniversary

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Louis and I sat outside for a long while. 

It was nice to have this moment. It felt like I was putting Olivia and my grief to rest. 

It was raining lightly, and Louis and I were listening to Olivia's playlist whilst sitting in silence. I never wanted to leave this spot.

Eventually, it started pouring down really hard, and we had to go inside. 

We walked into the school, drenched in rain water, leaving footprints everywhere. But we didn't care, for once. We were both happy. I felt much better.

I said bye to Louis, because we both decided to get clean. 

We were going to meet up again to eat dinner. I finally felt ready enough to go back to the Dining Hall. Of course, there wouldn't be too many people there. Dinner was only served until 10:30, and it was already 4 minutes to 10. 

I quickly ran to my dorm, trying not to slip. 

When I arrived, I saw Evelyn standing at the mirror, doing her makeup. She looked beautiful, in a sage green flowy dress. "Damn, Ev! You look so good." 

"Thank you, Y/N. It's our anniversary today. 1 month." she beams at me.

I smile at her. "Aw, I'm so happy for you, Ev. It came so fast. Have so much fun."

"I will. Aidan and I are going to a fancy restaurant." she smiles at me, and I can't help but smile back. 

Until my heart sinks so deep down into my stomach that i'm sure it's going to fall right out my foot. If it's October 30th, and it's Evelyn's anniversary, t

hen that means mine and Louis' already happened. 

While I was miserable in bed. 

I can't even describe how terrible I feel. It was our first one, and we missed it. Poor Louis didn't even mention anything. Maybe he didn't even remember, because I know I didn't.

I was looking forward to October 15th since September. There's no way I would have forgotten. But I did, because I was too sad. 

Evelyn notices my fallen face and my scrunched brows. "What's wrong?"

"Louis and I missed our anniversary."

She matches the look on my face within seconds. "Yea. I'm sorry, Y/N."

I look at the floor and fiddle my hands a bit. 

"He remembered. He texted me and asked if you did too, but you didn't. So I told him no."

I look up sharply. "What? You knew? You should have reminded me!" I say to her angrily. 

"No. He expected it. He didn't want to bring it up until you were healed. And now it's only the first day that you've felt okay, and he didn't want to ruin it." she says nervously.

I take up my phone from my desk, and call Louis. 

Y : Hello. 

L : Hey.

Y : Have you showered yet?

L : Nope. Just got to my dorm now, actually.

Y : Perfect. Get ready. Let's celebrate our anniversary. 

The line is quiet for a moment. 

L : Y/N. Are you sure? I'm sorry we didn't celebrate before. But are you sure you want to?

Y : Louis. I've been ready for October 15th forever. And now I've missed it. So yes. Get ready and meet me at the main doors in 30 minutes. 

L : Are you sure? You don't have to do this." 

𝔞 𝔟𝔬𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔰𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔩 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢Where stories live. Discover now