chapter 1 - 9 p.m

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It's 4 p.m on a splendid fall day. It's the first of September, and i'm meant to start school in a week. But this year, i am beyond excited, as i'm not to attend a normal public school. My mom is sending me to a boarding school in London. We already live in England, so it won't be too far from home, and this knowledge is all that is preventing me from being homesick. Besides, my best friend, Evelyn Katz, will be with me. We've been friends since the first day of kindergarten, and she is a piece of me at this point. When we found out about the boarding school situation, we immeadiately called each other and got ourselves a dorm room together. All that was left was to pack our closets and the rest of our essentials. 

While i sat on the floor in my room looking over the long, long list my mom gave me of stuff to pack, i let out a long sigh. Even though i am so happy to be spending the school year in a posh London boarding school, i'm going to miss the comfort of my house. I'll miss my mom, and i guess my brother, and somewhat even miss his hamster, which he named "Kick". I was almost done packing, yet i was dreading having to close my suitcases because honestly, i didnt know if they would even close. But on another note, closing my suitcase meant i was ready to go. And i don't think i ever truly will be ready to go.

My flight is for 9 p.m tonight, and i'm supposed to meet Evelyn at the airport. 

It's 8:30 and she's still not here. 

I'm trying my best not to panic.

This is the first book i've ever written so please be easy on me :)))

𝔞 𝔟𝔬𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔰𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔩 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢Where stories live. Discover now