chapter 8 - a girlfriend

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I laugh as i watch Louis swim around for a bit. He doesn't see me. I gather my courage and walk towards him.

"Fancy seeing you here," I exclaimed.

He finally sees me and goes red at the realization that i watched him fall.

I chuckle as i extend my hand to help him out.

He takes it, but instead of letting me help him up, he pulls me down with him.

I can barely let out a sound as my body hits the water with a splash.

"I hope you can swim" he says, as my head breaks through the surface of the water.

"I can, thanks." I roll my eyes at him. He's ridiculously cute.

We laugh at the realization that we are in the literal fish pond. Oh well.

We swim for what feels like an hour, before it starts getting chilly in the water and the sun begins to set. He helps me out of the pond, and we both bolt toward the last strip of sunlight in hopes of drying off before going inside.

"So..." he mutters.

"Soooo..." i mutter back.

"How are you liking the school so far?" he asked with a grin.

I smile. "The beds are quite comfortable, and the pond is a great place to swim," i giggle "but i haven't seen the whole school yet."

"It's pretty much perfect, i'll show you."

"Are you going to give me a tour, Mr. Louis?"

"If that's okay with you, Ms. Y/N"

I laughed. He is so cute. "I think it's okay, yeah."

It was such a lovely moment. That is until the boys from not too long ago come back out to check on their friend. They stop dead in their tracks when they see us sitting together in the last of the sunlight.

"Oi! Partridge has got a girlfriend!" One of them shouted.

That sends the rest of them into a frenzy, and before we knew it, they were all yelling "GIRLFRIEND! GIRLFRIEND!"

Louis jumps up and runs to the one who started it. He gives him a little punch in the arm and says "You idiot; she's not my girlfriend! Stop!"

They quiet down and Louis walks back over to me. "I'm sorry about them, they can really be massive jerks sometimes."

I just laughed. "Partridge? What's that?

"That's all you have to say?" he scoffs. "It's my last name."

Louis Partridge.

On the first day of Christmas my true lo- no.

"Ah, i see," I tell him. 'like a partridge in a pear tree?"

"I hate you."

We laughed and chatted for a great while, whilst his friends slowly trickled back inside. Year 12 curfew is at 12, and even though its not even close to 12 yet, i still want time to shower, (again) and have dinner, plus talk to Evelyn about today's events. It was time to go.

"Whelp, Partridge, i think we should both get some sleep."

"I completely agree," he starts. "but one thing first."

"What?" i question.

"Could i get your number?"

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