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Five years later:


            So, a lot has happened in five years. I started dating Severin a year ago. It was long distance. He ended up cheating on me with a total stranger, then sent me a text with proof of him cheating on me. So, obviously I call him and am like: "Yo, why you sending me photos of you  cheating on me?"

He's like: "What on earth are you talking about? I didn't send you pictures of me cheating on you!"

So I'm like: "Bro, check your phone."

             He did, umm needless to say I broke up with him. Turns out, the girl he was cheating on me with, stole his phone and sent me those pictures. I just find it funny that he tried to deny it even though I had proof. 

           Anyways, so I also went to California for a visit. Had In-n-out. It's just as good as I remembered.

A/n: so, my birthday is on Wednesday so I decided to write a chapter, plus what this was based on has changed so I had to update this. this is the end of this story for good. I hope you've enjoyed it as terrible as it may be. if you don't like it, please keep those negative thoughts to yourself

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