Chapter six

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The doorbell rung and I assumed it was a package, but no car pulled up. Trust me, I would've heard it. "That's weird. I wonder who that is. We aren't expecting company." I said to myself, louder I asked, "Who's there?"

"Hello? I'm Severin. I'm here to meet Amethyst. Her bio said she lived here. Is she home?" a boy asked.

I didn't buy it. "Ha-ha, Evie. Did you fly from California?" I opened the door expecting to see Evie, but instead I saw a boy who was probably 14 and he looked exactly like the one I described to Liv. "Who are you?" I growled.

"I'm Severin, are you Amethyst?" he barely finished, and I fainted.

When I came to, I was on my couch, and he was standing over me checking for a pulse. No way I thought. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

He jumped when I spoke. "Only ten minutes. Are you alright?"

"Yes, soooo... should I ask why you're here?"

"I was coming to see where you got the picture for a reference photo for the drawing. Are you sure you're alright?" he asked when I tried to sit up and failed.

"Yea, I had just fulfilled my promise to someone. But I didn't send a reference photo to Liv, she drew it how I imagined it for a prank."

"A prank?"

"Would you like to know what it was?" He nodded and I continued, "I was texting Molly, this girl I hate who can't pick up on social cues. Anyways, I was on FaceTime with Liv, my best friend, when Molly asked what I was doing. I told her I was on FaceTime with someone I hadn't talked to in a long time, and she became determined to figure out who it was. She guessed Liv, Lizzie, Evie, and George. Since she had guessed correctly on the first try I simply said it might be. She thought I was referring to George so she asked him. When he responded he said 'ur random, but no. WHY?!' She thought I was talking to a secret guy so Liv dared me to use Severin, who was a character from one of our stories that we're writing together. So I told Molly that and Liv drew a picture according to my description of someone who would stand out to me. I never realized there was a real person. Also, Molly was supposed to keep it quiet until she went back to school, but clearly that didn't work out. She definitely believes it though. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go call two of my friends."

I ran downstairs to the basement, which was where my room was, and called Liv and Evie at the same time. "He's real guys! I met a guy named Severin, and he looked exactly as I described him. Evie, I fainted and was out for ten minutes just to keep my promise, well that, and I was shocked." I told them everything then I remembered he was still here, so I hung up and ran back upstairs. He was just sitting, waiting for me to come back. "Sorry, I'm back. Were you the one who sent me the dm asking about it?"

"Yea, my friend, Elliot, talked me into that and coming up here. I'm sorry if I interrupted anything."

"Nope, I don't really have a life since I moved. Do you like books? And if so what type?"

"I love books, and fairytale retellings seem to be my favorite right now. Don't judge. What about you? When did you move?"

"It will be exactly six months ago in five days. And I'm into the same type of books." I text that to my friends too. I was literally freaking out over this-this- I don't even know what this is.

"Oh cool, do you have a lot of friends?"

"Well, I'm a little too social not to but I only have like six friends that are true friends. I thought I had three others, but they all abandoned me in fourth grade just because a new girl came. I'm not bitter or anything though. What about you?" Even though we both knew I was still bitter.

"Of course you're not bitter. I only have Elliot as a friend."

"I bet you balance each other out. Hanna, Lacy, and Devan are my three friends here, but I've still got three back home. They happen to be the same three who are covering for me in this whole prank. Speaking of, do you want me to end the prank since I accidentally got you involved?"

"No, that's ok. Just keep me updated on it. Well, I'm gonna go home. It was nice to meet you, Amethyst."

"Likewise, and thank you for letting me continue this prank. You can tell people that you're not the Severin I'm 'dating' if anyone asks. See ya soon, friend." I'm not leaving him with only one friend in the world.

"See ya soon friend." And with that he left, so I was free to yell and text my friends. I was up til midnight talking about this with them. Then I watched a couple of movies, then fell asleep, which put me falling asleep around 4:30 a.m. I watched two hilarious movies. I was laughing so hard, I thought I might wake someone up, but everybody stayed asleep. What happened once I fell asleep was so weird. I had a dream about me going on a date with Severin. I had just met him that day. I did not know what was happening. He took me to a fancy restaurant, then we watched a fairy tale retelling. After that he took me to a book store and bought me some fairy tale retellings that I loved. We went to my house after that, and I showed him my growing book collection. He laughed, told me good night, and then he left.

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