Chapter eight

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That was one of the worst dreams ever. It was soo calm. My dark side is hiding😞. I just want to have dreams I enjoy. I'm writing stories that are better, and those are based on dreams and real life. Where is all my violence going? This is why I don't date. The guy finds a way to take my violence away and calm me down. I don't want to calm down! I love being dramatic, sarcastic, dark, and mental. Take that away and I'm the terrible, hated Lillian. No one likes her. She's a crybaby, and Evie was forced to be her friend. I broke that apart once I learned about it. She cried for getting called to the teacher's desk in sixth grade! Who does that?! She's not making it in the real world. Maybe her and Molly can stick together and make it a little further, even though Molly hates her.


"You made it back! She didn't kill you! Welcome back, bud!" Elliot greeted.

"It was all for a prank."

"What? What was a prank?"

"Amethyst's 'boyfriend' was a prank against Molly. But she called me friend. So I guess I have a new one?"

"Well then, I need to meet her. You can't have more friends than me."

"She likes fairytale retellings too."

"So you guys like the same types of book? That's cool. When do I get to meet her?"

"How about in a week?"

"Too long a wait. How about... three days?"

"I'll ask her and see what she thinks."

"Ok, well, you've been gone a while so get some rest. I'm gonna get some too. Night."



         "What do we do, honey?" I hear a voice ask.

         "We hope for the best," another voice answers.

         "But what if it's not enough? I'm worried about her. She's too violent."

         "You know what we should do. I know you don't want to, but it would be beneficial."

         "I don't want to send her to a mental institution."

         "Amethyst needs it, darling. You know that."

         WHAT?!?! My parents are trying to send me to a mental institution? And it's all because of my dreams?

         Hey, Amethyst. My friend, Elliot, was wondering if he could meet you in three days. Would that be ok? - Severin

        I might not be here in three days. My parents are thinking about sending me to a mental institution. Sorry. Maybe it might work if I come to you. I'm thinking of running away. - Amethyst😞

      Don't run away. It'll get better. We'll come to your house in three days. If you're there, I'll introduce you to Elliot. If not, we can keep in contact like this. - Severin

     I make no promises, but thank you. - Amethyst

    No problem. - Severin

    I then texted Liv, Evie, and Lizzie about the possibility of me going to a mental institution. I ended up calling them together to listen to what they had to say. They were worried about me, to say the least. Then, after we talked, I watched three Disney movies. All allegories, of course. The chronicles of narnia if we're being exact. Then, I grabbed a snack. I made corn dogs. Then I watched an episode and ate ice cream cake. I watched like half of another movie before I fell asleep.

     I had a nightmare. I'm running around, laughing like crazy and sounding like a lunatic when it started. I heard a noise. I turn around, and I see him standing over her body. My sister is dead, and the killer is Severin. He starts coming toward me. I scream. He laughs. Then he hits me. I black out, and when I wake up, I'm in my bed, drenched in sweat. Then it starts again. I wake up in bed. It happens again and again. Me waking up to the screaming and seeing him. I bolted up. I gasped. "Where's Kayla?" I found her in the bed above me, alive and sleeping peacefully. I couldn't go back to sleep after that.

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