chapter nineteen part two

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A/n: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! I hope you have an amazing day, and make sure to read the author's note at the end please. also, funny story, I just discovered that Severin means grave. the name I based it off of means sad or sorrowful. I didn't even realize it until I looked it up just now.


I opened the door and he immediately said, "What do you wanna talk about? I don't have all day."

"Well, I was going to apologize and explain, but I don't think you want one so forget about it."

"I'm sorry. I was mad at you. I shouldn't have judged you for going off of a nightmare."

"No, you shouldn't have, but since you realized it was wrong, you're fine. I need to apologize. I shouldn't have judged you on two nightmares. Or the fact that you killed my sister and me. I'm sorry," I said.

"Wait, what's this I hear? Is Amethyst apologizing?" he said.


"Do you forgive me?"

"Yea, but it'll take time to get back to trusting you. I had another nightmare and sometimes those come creepily true."

"I can work with that."

"I really am sorry, Severin. It's wrong to do that. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course, that's why I rode for thirty minutes on a bike in the winter. Now, back up a second. What's this I hear of me killing you?"

"Well, last night, after I sent the message, I fell asleep and had a minor violent nightmare staring us two. It also just so happens that you tried to kill me, and I used self-defense and got to you first. It was not my intention to have that happen, but it just so happens that I have no control. You also made the grave mistake of hitting me. I'm a girl, and you apparently loved me which made it ten times worse, at least. Oh, you also told me I broke your heart and your trust, and I'm a liar. Anything you want to say?"

"Yes, you have weird dreams, and I don't like being the subject."

"That's probably a safe move for anyone besides me and my best friends."

"Soo... friends again?"

"Friends again. Get in here and give me a friendly hug." 

So we hugged, ate, talked, and hung out. We even watched Disney. Man, I love Disney! I mean, the princess endings should be more realistic, but avengers and marvel are amazing. Loki! I love him, he's like the best. He's hilarious. As he said in Avengers when they all gathered around, "If it is all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." Oh, I love that line. oh and from Thor: Dark World- "You know this is wonderful! This is a tremendous idea! Let's steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that! Flying around the city, smash it into everything in sight and everyone will see it! It's brilliant, Thor!"

 "Thor: You betray me, I'll kill you.

Sif: Betray him, and I'll kill you.

Volstagg: If you even think about betraying him...

Loki: You'll kill me? Evidently, there will be a line." Also from Thor: Dark World. He goes soft in his show, though. It was honestly a disappointment. 

Sorry! I just thought I'd share some amazing phrases that belong to Loki. He fakes his own deaths! Multiple times! I love it so much! Sorry, got sidetracked again. So, yeah, we became friends again, and I'm pretty sure Molly went back home.

A/n: Thanks for reading! I have finished this story. Hallelujah! If you like murder mysteries, read murder in the night by me. it's still a work in progress but it's the next one imma be focusing on. hope you enjoyed it! I applaud any one who finished this book. tell me what your favorite quote of Loki's is. don't forget to vote, comment, and share this story, please help me make sure people don't copy this.

peace- Ari lee

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