Chapter seven

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"NO WAY!!!!! Amethyst met someone named Severin, and he looked just how she described him. Talk about creepy. I'd better not meet someone named Aaron. She fainted after meeting him, and I don't really like to faint. It makes you vulnerable. I hate being vulnerable. But it was definitely sweet!" I was telling Lizzie. "She fainted, and he moved her to the couch, and apparently he was so nice and polite. I'm debating finding him and introducing myself. I'm sure Amethyst mentioned me, you, and Liv. Oh my goodness Liv! I need to add her into this conversation. I just can't believe that happened to Amethyst. They're friends now, but if he ever hurts my best friend, he's dead."

"I completely agree. I'm pretty sure Liv would too. Invite her over now so we can talk about this and then we can call Amethyst."

"Alright, I'll invite/demand her to come over."I picked up the phone and called her. "Liv, get over here. Lizzie and I are talking about Amethyst and Severin. We agreed that if he hurts her, he's dead. Would you agree with that?" I put her on speaker so that Lizzie could hear her as well.

"Yea, he'd be dead. If we don't get there fast enough when he hurts her, she'll do the killing. Since we all know that will happen, I suggest we warn Severin, though I think he already knows not to get on her bad side. He sent her a dm asking about the picture, and after she answered him, she told him she wanted to kill Molly, just to let off steam," Liv replied.

"The life of the party is dead nowadays, isn't it?" Lizzie randomly asked.

"Well, parties are boring when the people who can keep things fun leave. The guys even got worse without Amethyst around to tell 'em off," I answered.

"I'm so tempted to join Amethyst in Michigan. The guys here are terrible, most girls are terrible, and one of my best friends is in Michigan. Not to mention, I could get away from Molly a whole lot easier... Who wants to run away with me?" Liv asked.

"Wait, what?! Why would we run away? Where would we go? How long have you been thinking about this?" Lizzie was blowing up with questions.

"Why? To see Amethyst. Where? To her house. How long? Since she moved. It could work. We could invite everyone we want to come with us, then we set a date, then we head to the airport, hop on a plane, land in Michigan, go to her house, and surprise her. The plane ticket could be an early Christmas present from our parents. It could totally work," Liv responded. I think she's thought this over for a long time, because so far she's been really calm, and that kinda scares me.

       "That does sound like a good plan if I'm honest. Plus, we need to make sure she has friends to keep her from making her dark dreams come true. Although, the one where she kills Peter isn't that bad. I hate him, so I'm not gonna miss him. Plus, he's a jerk. Did she tell you about her dream with the witch?" Lizzie asked.

         "I'm not sure, it depends on which one you're talking about," I responded.

        "The one where she was in a bunk bed outside," Lizzie said.

       "Tell it just in case," Liv suggested.

       "Ok, well Amethyst dreamed that she was in a bunk bed outside with two roommates. Her one roommate didn't know how to climb a bunk bed. When she went to help her other roommate threatened to boil her in a cauldron for a spell since she was a witch. Amethyst put the witch in the cauldron, put the cauldron in a wooden house, then locked the door and set the house on fire. Not her best one, but I still don't want to cross her," Lizzie said once she finished telling the dream. After that they left, and I took a nap.

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