Ch46 Aftermath

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Aster opened her eyes to the bright room around her and felt, fuzzy. Very fuzzy. Like her body was made of bees. That idea was funny to her, a body made of bees. She wanted to laugh at how funny it was, but she couldn't find the energy to do so.

At her stirring a blurry purple person came over, Aster stared at the pretty face until it started to look familiar. "Excuse me, miss. I think I'm in the wrong place." She muttered.

The pretty girl pursed her lips, "Why do you say that?" she asked in that reassuring confident tone all doctors had.

"Because you're an angel, and I'm not supposed to be in heaven. I could get in trouble if I were here" she said, why wasn't it obvious to her?

The purple angel scowled "Why does everyone say that. Literally every time one of you Hellworlders wake up you ask why you aren't in hell. Do you all want to be in hell?" she huffed.

Oh no, she made an angel mad, that had to be some sort of super sin. "Because Pandemonium is pretty this time of year. All the pretty purple trees. Are you made of trees? Is that why you're purple, because you're made of trees?"

The angle frowned again and fiddled with a knob on the hose attached to her arm "No I am not made of trees; did you say there were trees in hell?"

"Not hell, Pandemonium, it's a planet."

The angel frowned and looked like she was going to ask more questions, but she stopped herself for some reason. "No, you're not in Hell, nor on Pandemonium. You're in a surgical room in Clancy's pub"

Aster frowned "I think I'd be safer in Hell" she said as everything went even more fuzzy, and she closed her eyes.


Alwen walked out of the surgical room after trading places with Brevot. The orange haired Irish man named Nick had given them a brief tour of the backrooms and told them to smoke on the roof if they had to since their boss didn't like it in the building. Alwen didn't smoke since her world couldn't simply repair tar filled lungs like the Terrans could, but she knew that was where Gato was likely to be, and he had wanted to know as soon as the Captain woke up.

A lot a things had happened during the three or so days directly after the battle. The fleet had returned to the hanger after fighting with the Kruhur and Aunviry remnants for many stressful hours. There were now some empty berths, and the remaining ships didn't look so hot either. All besides the Astaroth would require major yard time back on Mars.

Alice and her team claimed the Igrathoth in the name of the Hellworlders and had been horrified to find many cages with beaten and broken Terran slaves. The work needed to rehabilitate them required Doctor Bachir and all the other Hellworlder doctors to set up a field hospital in one of the massive Aunviry sized rooms.

The most shocking change, at least to her, was that the leader of Irish mob had succeeded the king's throne. Which meant they were currently staying in the new king's home. Domnall Clancy had forced a vote only hours after the final battle was over, and the remaining council man had unanimously voted for him, even the ones who were Kazlum's representatives. She had asked Gato what this would mean for them, and he said "nothing until the captain wakes up".

Alwen had met the elderly Terran man who was now king of the pirates. He had invited her for tea and a Terran game called chess. He had seemed nice enough until he had gently insisted that it was best not to move the captain to her ship until she woke up. His words sounded nice, but the look in his eyes was anything but kind.

To Hell and Back (Hellworlder pirates)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن