Ch40 Trial

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The trial took place in a massive octagonal rotunda, the walls were made of fine gilded marble, and the ceiling was a massive crystal dome that reflected the light of the white dwarf in impressive rainbows of color across the whole room. Centered on each of the eight colossal walls was a mural made of fine woven gold, silver, platinum, and copper, wires depicting important events in the Confederacy's long history. Scenes of epic space battles and the signing of very important looking documents. And one wall was completely taken up with the stylized profile of a Zxx'thi male dressed in fine looking silks

Alwen watched as the massive galleries filled with strange and monstrous looking aliens. Some were species she recognized and had grown used to seeing on Union stations, others were of species she didn't recognize at all. They were all many different colors, shapes, sizes, though most stood much taller than her. Those who took to wearing clothes were dressed as finely as they could afford, those with the most expensive looking clothes and jewelry were seated closest to the bottom and had the best view of the trial floor.

Alwen had been surprised to learn that a bunch of thieving and murderous pirates had come together to form a sovereign government in the depths of space, one that had a codified set of laws and regulations, a national defense force, and a thriving economy that actively influenced the rest of the galaxy. She was even more surprised by how seriously they took their laws and trials. The rest of the station was run down and shabby, but here in the political center of the Confederacy she saw all the wealth a millennia of piracy and smuggling had earned. Her own home worlds capital felt poor when compared to what she saw before her.

The Hellworlders were seated on the left side of the courtroom, with all the Archdevil captains and their host of ghoulish looking lawyers seated in appropriately sized chairs. The armed and armored marines and Alwen sat behind them in the bottom rows of the elevated viewing galleries, all nervously shuffling about as the tension in the room amped up by the minute. Neither the Aunviry nor the Councilmen had arrived yet.

Alwen leaned over to Gato "Is it just me, or is this place way too fancy when compared to the rest of the station?"

"Its were the King and all his men spend most of their time, of course its nicer. Rumor has it though that the rest of the station used to be much cleaner than now. Supposedly the early kings had tried to make this place into a proper capital, with apartments, shops, and manufacturing. But after several hundred years of corruption and greed there isn't any evidence of those brighter days left, none besides this place at least." He grumbled absentmindedly. He seemed nervous about the up coming trial, which was at odds with his usually reckless personality.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked in whisper so that the others wouldn't hear her.

"Nothing, I'm fine" He growled back under his breath.

"You have your tail wrapped around your waist, and you haven't lifted your hand off your gun once. Do you really expect me to believe your not nervous about something?" Alwen chided.

Gato glared toward her "Sometimes I wish you weren't so danm perceptive." He huffed out a large sigh "this room brings back bad memories. I used to fight for peoples amusement in arena's much like this."

"In this room?"

"No, not here. Though I heard a rumor that this place used to be a sort of gladiatorial arena. Back before I joined the ship I was a pit fighter, doing what I had to survive. Doc' Brown has wiped away most of my scars from those days, but mental scars aren't that easy to remove."

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