Chapter 52: Sanctuary

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16 years old

Gage steps away from Summer after a few minutes, his gaze focused on something behind her. She hastily peers over her shoulder before completely spinning on her heels. It's her mum, still standing there with unease. She's adorned in her white "SCS" lab coat, though underneath is a woman who's grown in age since Summer's last seen her and is undoubtedly her mum—even if she was created. Regardless, the feelings are all there.

"Hey," murmurs Mindy as her eyes search Summer's. "I'm...there are no words. I can't believe I found you after all these years." She closes her eyes and swallows thickly as tears stream. "I was afraid you were dead." Her voice is choked.

Summer's not quite sure what to think or say—if she'll say anything at all. She knows her mum ran away with her when she was a child, but she was working with the Secret Clock Society in that building. Relief and suspicion roll off Summer in waves, but relief washes over everything else. She doesn't even know why she's hesitating. She literally jumps past the space to her mum and lands in her arms like she used to do when she was a child.

Mindy sobs loudly and holds Summer so tight it hurts, but neither of them care. It's a reunion that should've happened years ago. They break apart after a long minute, and both sit, exhaling. Mindy and Summer stare at each other wordlessly, which is how Summer prefers it anyway. Mindy's face is full of wonder—not like how Gage looked at her after she spoke—but in pure, raw love. It's a look that takes Summer right back to her childhood, when everything was safe and warm and loving. All she can think about is curling onto her mum's lap like old times. Memories rush her as she thinks about story time, being tucked into bed, or waking in the middle of a storm to curl up next to her mum under the covers, knowing her warmth and strength would keep her safe. Without conscious thought, Summer practically sits on her mum's lap. Mindy embraces her and pulls her closer. It's all so overwhelming. So necessary. As if Summer's suppressed everything to protect herself, because thinking of her previous life hurts and burns deeper than any physical scar could. But now? She can let it all go, let her mum's touch cleanse the filth in her life.

They're both crying, and Mindy keeps murmuring, "my baby, my baby," as Mindy positions Summer's head in the crook of her neck. Mindy strokes her hair in a calming gesture she used to do whenever Summer was ill. They stay like that for a long time as everyone remains quiet—besides murmurs from Cameron and Avery in the cockpit.

Gage perches next to Summer and holds his hand out to her which she takes appreciatively. Her eyes strain to see his expression, but she can tell it's apologetic. I've given you time, but now we've got to join reality, his face says. She sits up and stares at him expectantly.

"Listen—I'm sorry, but it's important," says Gage. "We know how they found us." He glances at Jaden.

Summer's eyes widen as they jump between the two, her breath catching in her throat at his implication.

"It's not true!" screeches Jaden. "Dammit! Why won't you listen to me?" No wonder she looks so pissed—it all makes sense now.

Gage shakes his head. "She had a tracking device on her this whole time—in her Astropad."

"Mindy," says Jaden, "tell them I would never do this. Please! We all have Astropads—how the hell was I supposed to know mine was bugged?"

Mindy bites her bottom lip and frown lines form on her forehead. "I don't know what your role is with the Society," she says. "They barely trusted me when I went back to them in desperation to find Summer. I can't vouch for you, nor can I prosecute you."

Jaden's eyes seek out Summer's. "You couldn't possibly believe this. Don't you think I would have brought you to them sooner if that were the case? I rescued you off that ship and everything!"

Summer wavers, unsure what to think. Jaden's been a true friend to her, helping her when she was in need. Was it all a lie?

"Unless they wanted Summer to trust you," counters Gage. "You forget I've been trained. And one of my specialties is to uncover spies. I will find out the truth; you can count on that."

"Quit bragging," says Cameron good-naturedly from the cockpit.

"Anyway," says Gage, "we were able to use Jaden's GPS to find the Secret Clock Society's headquarters, thanks to Ethan. He suggests we go straight to New York."

"Can't they just physically follow us?" asks Mindy, clearly frightened.

Cameron laughs from the cockpit. "I'd like to see those splashy pieces of work try. Last night, I snuck onto their property—thanks to Ethan's suave hacking skills—and disabled all of their hovercrafts and cars. They'll be searching for the solutions on how to fix them for a long time."

"We almost didn't let Mindy come along," admits Gage.

"I'm glad you did," Summer writes on his palm, retreating back into silence. Then she writes, "Thank you."

Gages sighs. She knows it's because she's writing on his palm instead of speaking, but he gives a small nod. "She's your mom—she was sincere. Plus, when she realized what was happening, she disabled two of the lab techs." He grins at Mindy. "She's like a ninja or something."

Mindy chuckles.

"We've crossed the border into New York, though President Montgomery's requested we be escorted," says Cameron as hovercrafts appear on her radar screen.

Several minutes pass in silence, and Summer leans her head on Gage's shoulder and holds his and her mum's hands. Her breaths finally grow even as her eyes close in relaxation. She's exhausted and slightly terrified at what the future holds for her—for them all, really—but in this one moment she's content.

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