Chapter 40: Clock

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16 years old

When they enter into Summer's room, she notices two things immediately. First, there's one vase full of roses—the rest are gone, even the roses she tossed outside. Second, everyone's already there. Silence charges through the room like Lucy's horse with a pink handprint on its behind, subduing the light chatter. Rob and Jaden lean against the headboard of the bed Jaden shares with Lucy, while Avery and Lucy sit at the tiny table. All eyes land on the three of them, and Landon goes to Lucy and sits at her feet. Summer takes the other bed, and Gage stays standing near the front door.

"I'm sorry for not explaining," says Gage, glancing at the bed and then the table. "Now I will." He takes a deep breath as if preparing to announce bad news. "There was a meeting a week ago at the Phantomship City Center for all Leaguers who weren't on duty. At first I thought it was just going to be more news about other Outlander camps and things going on in other countries. Routine. But this time it was different—there was a group of people who had come to speak with us. They called themselves the Secret Clock Society."

Summer's mouth goes dry as she exchanges a knowing glance with Landon. Jaden gasps and stands immediately, the bed squealing in protest at her movements. "What? They're here?"

"Let me continue," says Gage and gestures for her to take a seat. "I'll explain everything I know, just give me a few minutes."

"It's okay," says Rob and reaches out for Jaden's hand. She lowers herself back onto the bed and leans against the headboard again, the springs in the mattress screaming in protest. "Let him finish."

Gage nods at Rob. "They informed us that there's an Outlander who they know is responsible for the time travel." Gage reaches behind him and pulls something out of his pocket. It's a folded up piece of paper which he gently unfolds and holds up. "This is the sketch they offered us. Look familiar?"

There are definitely discrepancies, but it's so clearly Summer that everyone's eyes flash from the drawing to Summer's face. Fear coils around her like a tangle of ivy, choking and cutting off her oxygen.

Gage takes a deep breath, his eyes apologetic. "This is why you were attacked outside of the hospital, Summer," he explains, staring only at Summer as he continues. "Part of it was because you're an Outlander, but mostly you fit the description. These fliers have been posted all over town, shown on billboards, plastered on every storefront, and flashed on holograms in Phantomship, and really, the rest of the country too. I've prevented many of the Leaguers from reporting you, but I knew it couldn't last."

"What does this mean?" asks Lucy, her voice wavering. "What do they want from Summer anyway? And why would they think Summer, of all people, are responsible for this?"

"If they find her they'll kill her!" exclaims Jaden, unable to contain her burst of anger. "I know these people—they bought me from my previous owners. They can't be trusted."

"That's what I was afraid of." Gage's hand runs through his hair again, making it stand on end. "There's more. These people told us the girl in the drawing—Summer—needs to be brought in so they can stop her from doing anything like this again. They called you"—he glances at Summer—"a 'time bomb.'" All eyes swivel to her, and she looks at Landon. They both heard them call someone a time bomb on the boat, but it didn't make sense until now.

"No one would believe them so easily, so they provided proof of who you are," continues Gage, his voice rough and uneven. He crosses the room, less than ten paces, drops before her, and gazes into her eyes. "I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to spit it out." He sighs and shakes his head as if aligning his thoughts. "Summer, you weren't born—you were created by the Secret Clock Society in an Oxford laboratory."

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