Chapter 10: Intruders

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16 years old

"Real funny," Jaden says with a laugh. "You must really think we're stupid, don't you? We were slaves, not slow."

"It's not a lie," replies Gage, his voice unfaltering.

"And next you're going to tell me the Canadians have taken over." She goes into a fit of giggles. "And instead of the Mounties riding horses they now ride unicorns!" More laughter.

Humorless silence greets her.

Jaden's amusement trails off as she meets the eyes of everyone around her. "What? There really are unicorns?"

Summer is curious—unicorns are another one of those mythical creatures she believes in that Landon tells her aren't real.

"Hardly." Paige snorts. "The Canadians have taken over." Her hand rushes through the air in welcoming. "This is the Canadian Federation. It has been for a hundred years after we fought those Yankees."

"Except New York," adds Bruce.

Jaden can't speak; she mouths a few words, but nothing comes out.

"Why is it that all of the Outlanders find this so unbelievable?" asks Cameron as she takes a seat in the sand next to Summer.

"Oh, I don't know," says Jaden, "could it be because the Canadians are neutral and have no army? They just aren't territorial!"

"Of course we have an army!" says Cameron.

"Hah! Not one that could take the U.S." Jaden sits in the sand across from Cameron. 

"When the Americans were destroying the world, one stupid bomb and war after another, we had to stop them," Paige says. "World War Three? Disastrous! Add in the Fourth and Fifth, and we couldn't take it anymore! Everyone's eyes were so focused on the U.S. that they didn't even see us coming." She places her hands on her hips with a huff, towering over Summer, Jaden, Gage, and Cameron.

Summer looks to Gage for answers.

"It's true," he says. "We took Washington with no problems. There were even Americans who joined our side when they found out about our invasion."

"Prove it," Jaden says, a note of fear and disbelief.

"This was invented only twenty years ago, so maybe this will prove it, eh?" Gage leans forward and points at his ear.

Jaden leans forward. "What am I looking for?"

"You'll know it when you see it." He taps his ear again. Summer also leans in, holding onto his shoulder gently to steady herself as they stare into his ear.

The sunlight catches the tiny piece of metal that looks as if it's crawling out of his ear, its fingers stuck deeply into his skin. Summer can't help herself as she raises her fingers to his ear, wanting to feel the thing. It actually appears to be a part of him. She touches the metal, and Gage jerks. She pulls her hand back quickly.

"It doesn't hurt—just tickled." He sits up straight, smiling.

"What is that thing?" asks Jaden with awe.

"It's a neural implant so we can telepathically communicate with others," he explains. "It's also a tracking device and required when you join the Canadian League."

"Telepathically? Then why do you even need to talk to each other?" asks Jaden in an awe-struck daze.

"Because—" Cameron rolls her eyes. "—Gage hates the technology and won't accept our communications when we're in talking distance."

"Well, I think it's lazy to not just talk..." he trails off and chances a glance at Summer. "Sorry."

Summer shrugs and smiles. She knows it's not because she's lazy but because of her anxiety. Actually, she's quite interested in this technology—maybe she'll never have to speak again. She can just mind-to-mind it with people.

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