Chapter 29: Purple

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16 years old

A siren howls, and the crowd disperses, though the fight continues. The courtyard floods with Leaguers in their green and black uniforms. Blake stands and brings Summer with him. She tries to duck out of his grip, but he only holds on tighter. Sharp, stabbing pains rush up her arm, riding her strained nerves. She wants to scream out for one of the Leaguers to help, but her voice fails. Blake drags her through a crowd of people who bump into her, step on her. Her heart beats in double time.

Then, Gage is standing before them, and they skid to a halt. Summer has never seen such fury in Gage's eyes or such enmity in the cut of his jaw as it tightens.

"Fingers off!" growls Gage.

"What is it with this girl that has everyone in such an uproar?" Blake shakes his head, a smile creeping up his face. "'re the Leaguer who has the hots for the Outlander girl." His voice lowers into a conspiratorial whisper as he leans forward. "Let me guess—this is the Outlander?" He chuckles.

Gage's eyes burn with green fire. He wrenches something black from his belt. "Summer, are you all right?" His eyes don't leave Blake.

She shakes her head, trembling. Gage's eyes flick to hers for a second before they go back to Blake.

"Any pain you have inflicted on her, you will feel double," warns Gage, his voice as harsh as a grater against skin. He holds up the device pulled from his belt and presses a single button. A beam of light shoots from the end of it and lights up Blake's chest with a tiny blue dot.

"That's it?" Blake laughs. A second passes, and Blake's body jerks violently. "What the hell did you do to me?" he says through gritted teeth. A few more seconds pass as he shakes, then releases Summer. He topples to the ground while holding onto his chest where the blue dot had been.

Summer races to Gage, flying into his arms and holding tight.

"You're okay," he says softly, holding her against his chest. "He won't be getting up for a while." His tone is smug.

She wants to say thanks, to find some way to show how much she appreciates him stopping Blake from taking her to his room. She pulls away, finds his palm, and writes, "Thank you." Then she looks up into his eyes that soften.

"You're welcome," he says softly, then steps back. "Where are you hurt?" He begins to look her over, inventorying anything out of place.

She lifts the sleeve of her shirt and looks over her shoulder to see the damage. There are distinct fingerprints embedded into her skin, the color of her flesh already discoloring into purple and black. Gage's breath catches when he sees it.

"That piece of splash."

Summer nods. Doubly splashy.

His fingers gently run over the bruise; he shakes his head. "I was afraid of this."

Her eyebrows furrow.

"Because of our involvement. I was worried people would target you, but I didn't think it would be within an hour." He rubs his temples. "I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm not around here." He inhales deeply before slowly exhaling. "I'm going to be freaking out the whole time."

She hates he feels he can't do what he needs to because of her. Landon always made sure Summer was safe on the ship, but not even he could stop her punishments. Gage couldn't take on this responsibility along with the rest of his. She turns around and stares down at the heap that is Blake. A wicked smile slithers up her lips as she takes deliberate steps his direction.

"What are you doing?" asks Gage behind her.

Summer glances over her shoulder, the smile still in place, and winks.

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