Chapter 9: 2210

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16 years old

Summer's not quite sure what's going on except she's physically exhausted, mentally scared, and ravenously hungry and thirsty. The world pulses around her in time with her untamed heartbeat. Everything about her feels heavy, like she's drank liquid steel and now can't lift her arms, legs, torso, or, well, anything—except her eyelids. And that's sketchy at best. She hears voices all around her and attempts to move her head so she can see who it is. There's only one voice she recognizes: Jaden's. Everyone else is speaking in accents she's never heard. She only hears clips here and there, and none of it makes sense.

She feels a warm, gentle hand stroke her face and wishes her eyes would just cooperate.

"You're— hand me— long has— eat something—" It's a male's voice just above her, and again, she just wishes her eyes would open. He's got such a strange yet intriguing accent.

The tender hand caresses her chapped lips and tentatively draws her mouth open. Even if she had the strength to fight him, she knows she wouldn't. If he's here to make her a slave again, she doesn't want to be punished for fighting. She doubts this is the case since he's touching her so carefully.

Cool water is poured into her mouth, and she instinctively gulps the refreshing drink with vigor. It goes all the way down her esophagus and swirls around her stomach. An arm wraps around her shoulders, and she's pulled into a sitting position. She's so desperate to keep the water flowing she reaches for the source of it. Her fingers clasp around a strangely shaped container, and then she chugs. It takes all of her strength just to hold it that her body begins to fall backward. Hell, she didn't even notice she was sitting up on her own.

She's caught by several hands and is lowered to the sand. "Slow down there," the same male voice says with a chuckle and lowers the container from her mouth.

Summer takes in several deep breaths and is finally able to open her eyes. She realizes she's dead, because before her is an angel. There's no mistaking it. There's a halo of light around his golden blond hair, and his rich, green eyes stare at her with an intensity she's never seen before—not even in Landon's fathomlessly deep eyes. His nose has a tiny bump on it that she immediately finds so endearing she wants to kiss it. She's never kissed anyone before—except her mum. He smiles at her, and she melts at the small dimples at the corners of his mouth. His teeth are white and straight, she notes, but regardless of his handsome features, she can't seem to shy too far away from his hypnotic green eyes.

"Hi," he says softly, like she's as delicate as a flower petal.

She tries to smile back, but she's positive it doesn't look right.

"Your friend found us just in time." He glances away before meeting her face again. She can't help but stare deeply into those eyes, noticing all the different shades of green that melt together to form them. "Do you think you can stand?"

She shakes her head, embarrassed by her weakness.

"Ay, that's understandable." His attention pivots away, then focuses back on her. "Are you hungry?" He seems so uncertain, like he's never been in this situation before.

"Stupid question, eh?" a female says. "The girl's obviously malnourished."

He shakes his head before smiling at her again. "Sorry—what would you like to eat?"

Tearing her eyes away from his, she searches for Jaden to help her. Jaden immediately comes into her view, hovering a few feet above her.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you—she doesn't talk," Jaden explains.

There are several exclamations from people around her. The angel keeps gazing at her as his arm wraps around her shoulders to help her up.

"Really?" the angel asks as he seeks the truth with his attentive eyes.

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