20...Dying for a new start

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Shu and I ran around the house, not trying to get caught. I felt guilty for not saving the others when we were near them but we had to find Karlheinz first, kill him, capture the Mukami's and then save the other Sakamaki's and Yui. That's we had planned.

We immediately knew that Karlheinz will be in the his office and we were already near it. We saw Kou, Ruki, Azusa and Yuma, who looked hurt, go in the room. Shu looks at me.

"If one of us dies, the other dies, got it?" He asked me. I nod, he kisses me quickly and I return it.

"I love you." He whispered. I smiled a little.

"I love you, too." I whispered back. He smiles back and then we enter the the room, everyone looks at us without saying anything Yuma quickly tries to punch Shu, but he dodges it. Kou trys to grab me but I quickly run towards Karlheinz's desk, I tried to grab him but he grabbed my throat until I could barely breath.

"Trying to kill me, aren't you?" He asked me, I frown and kick him on his side, which makes him let go of me and stumble back. I kick him on his chest and he hits a wall, I hear him wince.

"Saki!" Shu yelled, I turn around and suddenly Kou was in front of me, something sharp went through the side of my stomach, I winced. A knife.

"Nice one. But you can't kill him while it's just two out of four." Kou said, releasing the knife out of my body and I screamed. I look up at Kou who was ready to stab me to death but I block it and grab his wrist.

"I thought you were nice from the beginning but I guess I was wrong." I grab the knife and stab it in his shoulder, I didn't want to kill him, that wasn't our plan. He falls down to floor, hurt and I throw the knife to Karlheinz's shoulder. I smirked at my good aim. He winced and I look at Shu who was struggling out from Ruki, Yuma and Azusa.

I frown and run towards Yuma, I didn't know how, but I had kicked Yuma by his head. He falls down, and Ruki tries to grab my wrist but I dodge it and kick him in his chest. I grab Azusa by one of his bandages and pull towards me, I give him a punch and he falls down. I look at Shu who punches Ruki across the face and then I look at Karlheinz, who was slowly taking the kinfe out of his shoulder. I walked towards him and look down at him, the pain of my stomach had stopped and so was the wound.

"I guess I win and you lose. Since I've healed that means that I'm now, the vampire leader or queen." I tell him, he looks up at him, I place my hands on my hips.

"You won't do this to your father, to your caretaker." He said, with a slight smirk.

"I wouldn't unless we were how we used to be back then but now everything changed and I hate you, forever." I grabbed the knife from his shoulder, he winced.

"This blood is going to gone and so is this body. You're nothing now, you're just a pathetic vampire and you deserve to die, Father." He looked at me surprised, he opened his mouth but I didn't let him answer, I stab the knife through his head and he screams until he goes silent, died.

I didn't feel sad or guilt, he brought me to my fake mother, to the church and broke the promise between my real mother and he had lied to me, on everything. I felt Shu's hand touch my shoulder, I look up at him.

"Good work, I think that's what he had to hear before he died." He said.


Subaru and Ayato put the Mukami's inside the limo, who were tied up, Reiji walks towards me,

"Where's Shu?" He asked me.

"Putting gasoline around the house"


"We want to burn down the house." Reiji just nods understanding why. I waited for a few minutes to see the house of Karlheinz's go into flames.

"I guess it's done for." Shu had said, who teleported beside me. I smiled and turn to Shu.

"You think it was a good idea?" I asked him. He smirked.

"Yes." He picks me up and kisses me. Like a fairy tale, I felt so happy that it was over and that we could be together again. No more amnesia, no more other people falling in love with. Just each other.

♢♢♢♢♢♢A few days later♢♢♢♢♢♢

A knock comes from the Sakamaki's house, from the main doors. All of us go to check it out and once we enter the room, the door opens. A teenage girl steps in with a luggage, she looks at us.

"Hi, my name is Anna and I will be living in this house for now on."

And that's how everything turned into a Love vs. Hate.

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