8...Mind reader

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I waited out in the porch of my house, looking through the gates. Does he know me? Where and when? I bite my bottom lip, worried that he could be like a stalker.

Today I decided to wear everything pink. My shorts, my tank top, my shoes as I made sure my appearance looked good, a limo stops in front of the gates, I take a deep breath and walked towards the gates that opened up when I got closer. When I made my way to the limo, the door was open, I went in and see one person in there. Blonde hair that covers one of his eyes and blue eyes, he smiles at me.

"Hey~! I'm glad that you came!" He told me as I sat down far away from him and the door closes.

"Um, hi. I'm glad, too." I was still nervous, I somehow could feel a vibe that he was a singer and meeting one makes me feel kinda uncomfortable. I didn't look at him in the eyes, instead I looked down at the floor.

"You're nervous, aren't you?" I look up at him, shocked. How does he know? Can he see it? I clear my throat.

"Um, how do you know?" He smirked.

"You're showing it." He winks at me, which made me blush a little.

"So, were are we going?" I asked.

"Hm, how about the park?" He asked with a smile. I smiled back.

"That sounds good." He chuckled.

"Why are you sitting all the way over there, anyway?" Before I could answer, he suddenly appears beside me. I try to back away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to him, I gasp and my face was inches away from his.

"Let go of me, please." I whispered.

"You're too cute to let go. I would totally drink your blood, right now." I gasped.

Drink my blood? But I'm not human!

I try to struggle out of his grip, wondering why he would say that. He probably drank my blood when I was human, I'm not human, right? I felt his finger touch my chin and he pulls my face so our locked with each others. He still had that smirk.

"Don't struggle or else I'll do something esle painful."

"I'm begging you to let go of me." He laughed.

"You're so stupid!"

I'm not stupid! G-get off of me!

My voice, a memory about him. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at his.

"What's your name?" I suddenly sounded so calm. How? He raised an eyebrow but smiles.

"Kou. Kou Mukami. Of course you're Saki. Saki Sakamaki."

What? Sakamaki? But does that mean that I'm related to the other Sakamakis? My name is Saki and just Saki but what is my last name? Fake mother nor Father told me about my last name. Am I really,my real mother's daughter? I shook my head and look at Kou.

"No. That's not it, it's just Saki. That's all." I said, quietly but also confused.

"Hmm~Well, I'm not sure for that. But I guess, since you looked like you were panicking. I'll just call you Kitten."

"Kitten?! I thought you were going to say Saki."

"Nope! It's Kitten, I said that through the phone and that's finally." He lets go of my wrist and the door opens, we arrived at the park. I sighed, relief that he couldn't do anything else.

But, I wanted him to ki--Stop! No! Wait a minute, am I starting to like Kou?  That's stupid, what Kou had just done to me, was really mean, in a way. But I couldn't lie that Kou is cute. But that's just because he's an idol, right?

"Kitten~" I look up and see him standing outside the limo, giving me his hand with a smile and a wink, I blushed. How can I possibly be really foolish to like him? I would never like him.

"Why are you discussing about you liking me?" Kou suddenly asked. How can he hear me? But if he can then, how can you read my mind? He smiles and winks again.

"It's a secret." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the car and into his arms which makes me blush, again. I heard him chuckle.

"Don't be shy to kiss me."

"Huh?! No! That's not-!" But I was already too late, Kou lips touched mine. He's kissing me and we just met! Yet his lips are soft and warm, I had lost myself into him. I brought my hands to his hair, and return the kiss. He pulls back and smiles.

"You like me and I like you. We're both in love."


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