5. {Chapter 199: There's a Dragon? (4)}

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"..."/'...' - People speak/thought

"..." /'...'- Haitham speak/thought

[...]/{...} - Dietrich and Dion speak/thought

Note : Enjoy the song above as a sweetener


"Everyone, I'm back... Eh? What's going on here? Why are you all looking so messed up?" said Haitham who saw all his guests in a mess.

All the guests, really all the guests including the nobles as well as the royal family, looked very disheveled. Their hair was messy like it had been hit by a strong wind and their clothes were dirty like they had been rolling on the ground.

"So, here's the story...." said Rosalyn who was just as messy as the others.


It all started after Haitham and his 'people' left the theater. Everyone stood up from their seats to return to rest for 3 hours. But, suddenly Toonka approached Choi Han and challenged him to a duel. At first, Choi Han refused, but Toonka said something that could make Choi Han accept the challenge.

"We'll see if you can still talk like that later..." said Choi Han while swinging his fist in the theater room.

Well, there was a big fight between Toonka and Choi Han. The theater room was destroyed and audience seats flew everywhere. Everyone took refuge in what they considered safe, while Rosalyn, Harol and Lock tried to stop Choi Han and Toonka. After more than 2 hours, they finally stopped.

The victory was won by Choi Han. The shattered theater room began to repair itself thanks to Haitham's magic. But, even though the theater room had returned to its original state, the disheveled appearance of the people and the battered Toonka remained.


"Ah... Didn't I tell you all of you can use the battle room at the end of the left door? Why are you fighting here instead?" asked a confused Haitham.

"I bet 100% it's definitely because Choi Han attacked first..." said Kim Rok Soo.

"Why do you think so?" asked Commander Cale.

"His temperament, Cale. Choi Han's temperament in this timeline is a bit chaotic..." Kim Rok Soo replied as he pressed his index finger on the side of his head.

"Why do you say like I have an unstable temper?" said Choi Han.

"Isn't that true?" said Cale and Kim Rok Soo.

"Okay, that's enough for here. I will change your appearance for the better," said Haitham, snapping his fingers.

With that one flick of a finger, all the guests' clothes changed into new clothes. Everyone without exception wears the clothes usually worn by nobles. Dietrich and Dion who realized this asked Haitham.

[Whose wardrobe did you take all these clothes from, Your Highness Prince?] asked Dietrich, glancing at Haitham.

[I also want to ask the same thing. I see some clothes that are familiar to my eyes are worn by several people] said Dion.

"Where else, apart from the wardrobe of the three of us? I can't take clothes from their wardrobe because it will cause unnecessary dimensional disturbance" Haitham replied with a shrug.

[You took clothes from the wardrobe of the three of us?!] said Dietrich.

"Well, for some, I also took clothes from my father and mother's wardrobe. I also used my mother's clothes when she was a child" Haitham replied.

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