Chapter Twenty Three

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When we reached the parking lot, Aasim hit the pavement gently, then trotted toward the entrance.

"So I've got a question," Jake started out as he held his sword before him. "Don't you think people are gonna freak if they see a mythical creature roaming around in a casino parking lot?"

"They can't see him remember?" I pointed out as we continued to make our way quickly to the door. "Anyway can we contemplate the confusing parts later? Right now, we have our friends to find."

I turned to Aasim before we entered. "Keep watch from above, OK? Anyone using dark magic will spot you right away. I'll call out to you if there's any real trouble. For now, guard the building."

Aasim did as I instructed before Jake and I rushed through the front door.

Elijah was standing on top of one of the card tables and scanning the area. People continued to play poker as if he weren't even there. "Are they gone?" he called out, vigorously searching all around him with his blade at the ready.

"I think that's the last of them!" John shouted as he moved toward him.

"Elijah!" I called out, his face met mine before he leaped off the table and raced forward.

"Addisyn!" he shouted, wrapping his arms around me and twirling me around. "Thank divinity you're alright," he said through his breath. "I thought—I was so—I feared something had happened."

He didn't let me go, my toes barely touching the ground. Surrounded by his warmth, I breathed him in, the tension fading away from his embrace. Had I been any more relaxed, I swear I would have heard the ocean.

"I realized someone had grabbed hold of you and pulled you away, but when we arrived, a dark elf was already here, waiting for us. Dark magic wielders can control dead creatures, raising them from the ground, forcing them to do their evil bidding. We all had no choice but to fight them off.

"How did they know you would come here?" Jake asked from behind me. I couldn't see his face, but his voice brought me back from my euphoric state.

John said, "With each successful step we take, the prophecy gets closer to coming true. Dark magic is seeking divinity like I've never seen. It grows desperate, the Marked Six are turning over every stone to find us."

As John spoke, he waved his sword underneath a nearby table. It was then that Staci came into view. I realized he'd hidden her entirely from the fight.

Since the fight had ended, the shadow that prevented others from seeing the use of divinity and dark magic began to fade. I formed a blade in my hand to keep it from disappearing entirely.

Staci snatched me into a hug. "So glad you're okay" she stated genuinely.

"You, too," I answered.

Jake snorted, "Looks like you've wrecked the place pretty good. It's gonna be pretty funny when we leave and everyone actually sees this mess without any explanation as to how the chairs and tables exploded.

"Agreed," Elijah and Jake shared humorous grins.

"The way they are searching for anything touched by divinity, I fear they might find the portal, and destroy the pathway, tearing apart the rocks that would form ourw doorway."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Jake stated to all of us. "Let's get the heck out of here and make our way to Multnomah Falls." He waved for everyone to move toward the entrance. "Aasim is guarding outside. Let's get to him and get gone!"

None of us seemed to disagree on his point, and we followed him out the building. "How is he here, anyway?" Staci asked. "And where did you go?"

Not having the energy to explain, I rolled my eyes. "It's a long story."

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