Chapter Seven

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Falling onto my couch, I rested my head against the pillows as Watson stepped between both Elijah and me and waited for one of us to give him attention. While gently running a hand across Watson's fur, I looked up at Elijah, noticing the sword and sheath he'd wrapped around the jeans I had picked out for him. I knew he was just being cautious, but the entire purpose of me picking out the clothes was so he'd fit in.

"I just realized, but I have no idea how you managed to carry that blade around in the store without security stopping you. Maybe we should find a way to keep it hidden," I considered.

Elijah shook his head with a reassuring smile. "Only those of whom I have allowed, can see this blade, Princess. I have used conceal magic to do so," he explained.

Elijah gazed out onto the street from the living room window, his eyes and demeanor as focused and driven as ever. I wondered if deep down he had as many questions as I did.


He turned to face me, and I drew in a breath. Sure he was incredibly good looking but it was the way Elijah seemed intent on giving me his full attention that I'd found most attractive. Like no matter what I was going to say, it mattered to him.

"How did you find out? I mean, how did you find out you were chosen? Have you always known this was coming?"

He smiled, taking another glance outside to observe our surroundings, then spoke.

"I only became aware of who I truly was a few nights ago. Ethina, the hidden city where humankind resides, was never certain of who would be the chosen seeker of Roria's light, but many believed that it would be revealed through a sign or miracle just as had happened before with the vision. Four nights prior, I was guarding the city atop the large wall that protects its entrance. It has been my duty since I was twelve. With my eyes upon the vast rocks and sand ahead, I heard a thunderous wind that cracked above the mountain several miles north of the wall. The tremors were so violent several boulders crashed to the ground below.

He paused, his eyes slowly shutting and his chest carefully rising and falling; allowing his mind to fully capture the memory. "I knew of only one creature that could cause such a forceful wind. A thunderbird of Roria, and as its claws touched the floor, the entire wall shook. My feet stumbled, and I fell to my knees. Its color was such a pure white I could not look directly upon it."

A sudden peace fell upon him as the corners of his lips drew upward. "And then I could hear His voice. It was still and small but more powerful than anything I'd ever heard, and without question, I knew it was King Selah of Roria. He said, 'Each of us has a purpose, Elijah of Ethina. Now yours lies before you. Though many will stop at nothing to see that you fail, take heart! Roria itself stands beneath you like a solid rock, and if your courage and faith believe this to be true, nothing will overcome you. You are Arwick's blessed chosen one. The prophecy is finally being fulfilled.'

"For a moment, it was silent. Then the crashing of a sword drew my attention, and a magnificent blade appeared just inches before me. His voice then explained, "With this sword, you must travel beyond Arwick. Though many relics of old were destroyed by those who left Arwick ages ago so that Kane could not follow, this sword will grant passage a single time. Have faith to return another way. Only the purists of faith can wield this mighty blade, but through it, you will do marvelous things in the name of your king.'

"And as quickly as the thunderbird had come, it was gone. I realized that not a soul had moved toward me. No guards had abandoned their posts or seemed to realize that the thunderbird had landed. I wondered if anyone had witnessed what I'd seen at all. Grasping the sword, I ran to Ethina's king and explained in great detail all that I'd witnessed. When proof was asked of this, I knelt before the council with the sword outstretched before me. The king and his court were astonished when they took sight of it. The silver blade gleamed brighter than any blade within the city's walls. The cross guard was the purest gold I'd ever seen, and the pommel had a blue sapphire as vibrant as the sea. Etched in faint writing down the blade were the words 'The blade of Selah's court. The blade of Nybil.'

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