chapter 40

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nov. 24, 2012, japan


usually, waking up next to the Japanese boy wasn't strange, but after four months of no contact, and barely seeing each other, it was a bit... weird

the whole ordeal, entirely, felt wrong. it felt like her heart would explode out of guilt. she could clearly see his eye bags, and even if she wasn't the cause, he was over training himself.

Mei Miyazaki was one of the only people that Yuzuru had let enter his personal life, only after knowing the girl for five years.

Mei Miyazaki was an easy one, always loved making friends. never had a hard time either, she was the social butterfly within the duo.

she loved when Yuzuru would drag her to other tables, introducing her to people he had met.

She loved when people approached her first, knowing that they wanted to talk to her, and wouldn't get annoyed when she talked to them too much.

At school, when other students said hi, or greeted her, she always greeted them back, happy to put a smile on anyone's face.

and then things changed, and she started secluding herself from conversations. excusing herself from classes, tending to ignore people that would be nice to her.

Maybe she had built her walls back up, but the change was obvious. the quieter she was, the quieter the classroom was.

the later she came to school, the more her grades had decreased. it was never a surprise to find her at the rink during this time.

she would be there whenever she wanted. she did have a spare key, wasn't that much of a surprise after bribing Coach Nanami with a few kind words.

"why are you staring at me?" Mei felt her throat close up, so she cleared her throat, turning the other way.

"I wasn't. I was staring at the... painting behind you." Yuzuru turned his head slightly, seeing the painting she was talking about. At least she had a made a good lie.

"You know I don't mind when you stare." He places his arm back onto his head, trying to bring Mei back towards his body with his other.

The Japanese girl kept her eyes shut, trying to deceive the boy laying next to her. "will you tell me why you've been ignoring me for the past four months now?" she kept her eyes shut, but felt the boy next to her shift.

next thing she feels is the arm under her neck slip out, so Mei opened her eyes, the Japanese boy already staring at her, "hm?" she pursed her lips, trying to roll over, but is held back, Yuzuru holding her down.

"Is this your way of keeping me under control?" Yuzuru nods, easily answering the girls question.

"why did you ignore me?" Mei swallowed, her throat already dry.

"you know i won't shame you in any way, i'll always listen to you." she blinked, trying to word her sentence right, wanting the boy to understand her situation right away.

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