chapter 39

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nov. 11, 2012

it was around 7:30 when Mei finally walked into the warmup space, ignoring the other skaters in the room. she walked up to Coach Shin, placing her things down. "Are you still upset that I didn't tell you that I spoke Japanese?" Mei simply folded her casual clothes, and placed them back into her duffle bag.

"Really?" The Japanese teenager continued to get ready, stretching her wrists and neck at the same time.

"Now I know what Abe meant when she said you were petty." Mei slightly glared at her coach, but continued to stretch, wanting to prevail in this short moment.

"Anyways, since you're quiet, your second group. going seventh out of the ten skaters, alright?" Mei softly nodded her head, leaning over to stretch her legs.

"You need to stretch more than that, you're gonna hurt yourself." Mei nods again, turning towards a mirror.

She did her usual stretches, trying to get what happened with Yuzuru out of her head. It was such bad timing, and it ticked her off that he did it before competitions.

She cracked her fingers for the second time in two hours, trying to calm herself down. She wasn't even nervous for the competition, more nervous that she would keep thinking about the dumb Japanese boy that she would forget that she was competing.

She started running in place, trying to get her blood pressure running. It would tire her out, allowing her to do better, and place her thoughts elsewhere.

She could hear the audience clapping through her thoughts, messing up the time she really needed together. She closed her eyes, breathing in and out.

She wanted this so much, the thought of placing anything below first this time around. it felt like she was doing so well. especially with worlds.

she was a bit pissed when she saw her scores from when she was in China, realizing that the first place scores were slightly altered, especially knowing she downgraded her triple into a double.

She tried to calm herself down, the memory from last night still very clear in her head. One of the coordinators stated that there were only five minutes until the next group, forcing Mei to walk back over to her coach.

"You okay? You've been very slightly off since last night." Mei reluctantly nods her head, not wanting to burden her coach with her boy problems.

"If you say so, if you want to talk about it after competition i won't mind." Mei smiles at her coach, taking her skates out of her bag.

"Also your mother did very well on your costume, as she always does." The younger girl laughs, taking her left shoe off first.

"I'll make sure to tell her when we get back." Her coach joins her in the laughter, Mei lacing up her left boot. "Did you tape your shoulder?" Mei nods, stretching it to show her coach that she was fine.

"ok that's good, hopefully the pain goes away sometime soon, you've been keeping up with your meds?" Mei nods again, standing from her seated position.

"I also took my vitamins, took melatonin last night, i also ate a good dinner last night, with you." Coach Shin shakes her head, a bit ticked with how the young girl was answering to her.

"I was just making sure, I needed to know that you're at the best you can be." Mei nods, realizing how she answered.

She was about to apologize for her tone, but an event coordinator came to call in the girls, "let's go." Coach Shin stood up, grabbing Mei's water bottle, and tissue box.

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