chapter 19

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mar. 14, 2012 (12 days left)

i swear to the lords above that i will actually throw away all of this boys stupid V-necks. I walk out of our little laundry area, pushing the basket of clothes out of the room.

"yuzuru where the hell are you." I could hear him hum from the outside area, so i continue to kick the basket of clothes towards the area.

"you better make sure to fold these ugly V-necks. I don't want to keep seeing them." I kick the basket all the way into the living room, stopping to scan the area. 

The black head of hair was nowhere to be seen, so I sorta walked around the area, looking for him. "yuzuru?" I peak into the kitchen, the Japanese boy still nowhere to be found. 

what the heck. i swear i heard his little hum coming from our open space. "yuzuru?" I say his name a little louder, actually wanting to find him. 

"I'm in the restroom!" oh. ew. anyways, i walk back over to the living room, laying flat on the couch. 

i look at the basket of clothes I'll probably need to fold, and sink deeper into the couch.  i can do it later... or ask yuzuru to do it later. 

i lay on the couch for who knows how long, waiting for my roommate to get out of the restroom. 

I hear the toilet flush, and sigh, sitting up from the couch. The water was turned on, so he was either showering or washing his hands, and I was leaning towards the second option. 

I looked out the window, the curtains we put up slightly covering the glass panes. The sun was at it's peak, so I couldn't see it unless I got up. 

I was only able to catch other building tops, and some trees that were tall enough to be seen from the fourth floor. 

The bathroom door opened, and out came, in all his glory, Yuzuru Hanyu. "why'd you take so long in the bathroom?" he just waved me off, and nudged me over so he could sit on the couch. 

I did indeed scoot over, allowing him space to sit. He also glanced at the laundry basket, and then looked back at me. "Did you want me to do it?" I smiled, and nodded, urging him to fold the laundry. 

He sighs, shaking his head, but still grabs the basket of clothes and slides off the couch, his head level with the edge of the couch. 

i looked at the tv, the color popping every now and then. the silence in the room was overtaken by the actors and actresses that had worked hard on their shows, producing valuable emotions and scenes. 

I kept switching the channel, but in the end got bored, and tossed the remote to the side, glancing down at yuzuru. he was still folding his white V-necks, and some of my white long-sleeves. 

"Why do we wash colors and whites separate? I feel like that's just extra work for you and the washing machine." Instead of answering him, I got up from the couch, and walked over to grab his pooh tissue box off our counter. 

"ok look at pooh, right. he's yellow." i grab a white shirt, but quickly realize the yellow pooh tissue box was the wrong thing to use for this type example. 

"Hold on, keep folding clothes." I throw the unfolded shirt back at him, standing up and running to our shared room. 

"Mei? Are you ok?" I can hear yuzu's mom call out to me from her room, and i turn my head, walking over to her. 

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