🐾|Chapter 1|🐾

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"You're a liar-"

Jeongguk paced back and forth, head in his hands, fingers gripping his hair tightly. Jimin shrugged, picking at his nails. "I don't care."

The alpha froze, flabbergasted. "You- you don't care? Jimin, I could kill you for this. And if I don't, chief will. What the hell were you thinking!?"

Jimin shrugged, "what were we thinking, hmm?"

A growl admitted from the other, "shut it omega."

The elder gasped dramatically, "that is no way to treat a omega! especially an omega you impregnated and an omega who has five pups living inside of him for three solid months."

Jeongguk groaned, "shut up---no. We---I... I can't have pups, Jimin. My father will kill me." Jimin quirked up his eyebrow, "why?"

The alpha snapped his head towards Jimin, "why? Well, wouldn't you if your son bred an omega that he just met who he thought was an alpha? I wouldn't be too proud, either. I would kill me if I were my father."

The omega shrugged, leaning back, "No, I wouldn't care. My son could breed like- five alphas and I would only care if he cheats on one. But if I have a daughter, god forbid."

Jeongguk stared at Jimin, wide eyed- "you'd really not care?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "yes I would numb-nuts. I won't let my son go around and knock up every omega, beta, alpha or whatever he sees up. He's going to have to settle on one and stick if he wants pups, alright? I've still got long to go, Jeongguk."

The alpha growled and glared at the omega- "I'm telling cheif-" Jimin gasped and jumped up- "you---you can't-" "and why is that?" Jimin swallowed and looked around, body starting to shake.

"B-because---if you tell him I'm going to get kicked out and then my father's camp will be torn down and I can't... I can't let that happen, Jeongguk-" the other snarled, "yes, you can. You went against what I said and pulled us down by the river, Jimin."

Jimin groaned, "what the hell does the river have to do with any of this?"

Jeongguk snorted, "it's a breeding ground, Jimin. The river is where alphas normally take their over to do something romantic without the fear of being caught." Jimin threw his arms up- "YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME-"

"WELL YOU SHOULDN'T OF CAME TO THIS CAMP STUPID OMEGA-" the other froze, mouth clamping shut at Jeongguk's words. Stupid omega. He's heard that so many times in his life.

"Okay, alpha. I may not be the smartest but I am no means stupid. You are the stupid one. You failed to tell me about that river and yes, I was an idiot, too. But guess what? It takes two to create a family or if not a family, pups. I can't just breed myself now, can I?"

Jeongguk kept his mouth shut and Jimin huffed, "exactly. I'm not a whore, Jeongguk. I'm not this stupid little omega everyone has counted me as since I was a pup. I'm trying to save someone's camp and village here, Jeongguk. I need you to back off and I will take care of this-" Jeongguk growled.

"How the hell are you going to "take care of it" on your own, hmm? you want to stay in this alpha camp but you are an omega and you are pregnant for gods sake. You could easily get injured I don't care if you do---but leader will find out and then we are both cut and in the deep end. I'm not risking it, omega."

Jimin hissed, "stop calling me omega like it is a bad thing! I am proud to be an omega and I'm proud I'm filling my duties as an omega. Sure, I have no mate and all but this is my life duty, Jeongguk. I was meant to be bred and carry someone's pups. Even if that someone doesn't want me or them. I will figure this out, alright?"

The other rolled his eyes and breathed in, his blood boiling- "dammit omega---Jimin, you are ruining everything. You can't just trot through camp pregnant with a litter of five. Someone will sure as hell notice that you are adding a lot of weight and then we are screwed." Jimin shrugged,

"that settles it. I'll never bother you again but I'm not moving cabins or teams. But you will never see these pups after camp, I promise." Jimin looked at Jeongguk, eyes showing he was serious.

Jeongguk snorted, "Jimin, I said we were screwed-" "not you, I am. I'm not telling anyone who the father of these pups are. If they ask, it isn't important. And Jeongguk, I'm not dropping out. I may not be able to do much but I'll stick with the small stuff. Like swimming and the fire and that stuff. I can do the event setter. Out cabin needs one. I'll volunteer, okay? see? It is all settled already."

The younger thought for a second and sighed heavily, looking up at the omega- "fine. But I better never see those pups again after camp."

Jimin nodded, "I promise. It's settled."

𝘿𝙤 𝙄𝙩 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝘼𝙣 𝘼𝙡𝙥𝙝𝙖 - 𝕍𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝟚Where stories live. Discover now