7. The Mercedes

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Ayanda King

HIS girl? I attempted to protest but Andre's silvery voice spoke up first, "If she's yours, why is she standing here with me?"

My eyes widened as I looked at Andre. His face remained the same; nonchalant whereas Rhodes' jaw stiffened and his body language became more of one of a predatory gorilla. I was not about to be the reason for yet another fight.  I gave him a brief look of absolute desperation but he didn't look my way. They were having a staring contest again.

Do guys always have such territorial behaviors? Gosh.

I sighed, in retrospect, I liked not having to deal with Rhodes so I stood quietly, arms folded, occasionally rolled my eyes and watched whatever happen, happen.

"You're starting to piss me off here Parks and you won't like me pissed off." He gritted through his teeth and the bruise at the bottom of his lip moved as he spoke. Drawing my attention to it. It was an awful cut and I couldn't imagine how Eric managed to do that.

"We don't like you now." I mumbled, under my breath but just loud enough for him to hear. Wasn't sure what was getting over me but I was so sick of this guys that was for sure.

"You're quite busy today huh King. Saw you kissing Kyle too just a minute ago. Have you no shame?"

"Crazy how none of those people she kissed tonight were you." Andre shrugged.

Now this really pissed him off as pulled me towards him roughly. "What the hell!" I exclaimed, taking my arm back. "Are you insane?"

Andre noticed this and his body language stiffened but he never moved from where he was and I've never been more grateful. If Eric was here he'd had not one but two more bruises and a cut lip. Normally, I'd just flirt my way out but I have a little feeling that that's not gonna work. No matter how stupid Rhodes is. Peers turned towards the scene that was occurring and I've never wanted to die in my life.

"Ayanda, little miss perfect. I never understood why all the guys were lined up for someone like you. When you walked up to me at that party I thought it was my chance to find out. All I've realized was you're just a stubborn streetwalker who likes to act like a fucking prude just so you appear perfect in front of the press. You're not special Ayanda and everyone is gonna start to realize that. Soon, you'll only have me left."

I grabbed my arm back and stepped up to him, "There's is only one instance in which I'll only have you left and that's if everyone else is dead. Including me." I snapped quiet enough for only him to hear. He scoffed like I was some bug he just stepped on and turned roughly towards Andre.

"Parks, lemme save you some trouble. A girl like her isn't worth shit. She'll never settle because she thinks she's better than everyone around her."

He lastly turned to me, "But...if that were true you wouldn't have been cheated on, right?" He snarled before disappearing into the crowd.

A punch to gut sucked all the air out of me. I felt blue and faint. I looked around cautiously, feeling like i was shivering due to the being stripped completely naked.

I heard Andre trying to get my attention from where he stood but the beating of my heart was overpowering. It's all I could hear as the room vibrated. I bit the inside of my cheek so hard I'm sure blood was drawn. I did what I always do when I feel vulnerable, I ran.

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