Couple interviews - TsukiYama

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Questions with a "<3" are questions from the readers.

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The interviewed people are separated from each other, so that they can't listen to each other's answers.

"Hello, welcome to this interview, we'd like to ask you some questions about your relationship. Dynamics and all."

Tsukishima<< Ok.>>

Yamaguchi<< Sure.>>

"How did your relationship start? And what were your thoughts at first?"

Tsukishima<< Well... it happened around our second year in high school. Thanks to the club we started getting closer... Now that I think about it, before high school we were close but, not so much, our relationship wasn't really equal, and I kinda feel guilty about it. But then Tadashi started becoming braver and more confident about himself, so we got way closer and... something started changing with time.>>

Yamaguchi<< It's kinda embarrassing, I'm pretty sure it started with me, I've always been attached to him, probably more than normal friends should be, because he was my only friend. So, around our second year, Tsukki started noticing my affection towards him and, for some reason, he told me he liked it.>>

"Who is the most jealous one between you two?"

Tsukishima<< There is not much jealousy between us.>>

Yamaguchi<< Ngl, I'm pretty jealous from time to time. I mean, Tsukki is so handsome, he gets so much attention from other people, it's hard not to feel anything about it.>>

"How many relationships did you have in the past?"

Tsukishima<< none, didn't have time for relationships, I also didn't really have interest in it.>>

Yamaguchi<< Zero, I wasn't really popular, girls talked to me mostly to ask about Tsukki. They still do...>>

"How often do you fight?"

Tsukishima<< Not that often, ever since we were little, we never fought much, or even not at all.>>

Yamaguchi<< we get along perfectly, maybe we do fight a little bit more than we did years ago, because I tended to just go along with whatever he wanted. Now that I stand my ground we find ourselves having different opinions, but every time he looks at me like I achieved something. He confessed that when we fight and I talk back at him, he gets proud... that makes me laugh.>>

"Have you ever thought of breaking up?"

Tsukishima<< Not at all.>>

Yamaguchi<< nope! (^w^)>>

"Have you ever cried in front of your partner?"

Tsukishima<<No. I do feel like I can let myself go with him, but, for now, I never felt the urge to cry. Also that would be embarrassing.>>

Yamaguchi<< maybe a couple times when we were little. And, yeah, a few times since we became a couple.>>

"When was your first kiss between you two and the last?"

Tsukishima<< shortly after we started trying to date, I realized that we might need to get intimate. I was embarrassed because he's my best friend since childhood. When I look at him I still see the cute, trembling kid he was. But I also got curious. I still was a teenage boy and I had my thoughts. The first time we kissed it was me who initiated it, after I did he was so surprised and embarrassed that he started crying. Not a loud cry, just some tears down his cheeks. I panicked for a moment but he looked really cute. Last one was this morning.>>

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