UshiTen ~ movie night?

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Smut 🍋

"Hello? Oh hey mom! Yes I'm fine, school it's great and the part time work is really fun, of course I'm taking it serious!"
Tendou tends to walk a lot while at the phone.
"Oh don't worry, living alone is not that bad, it's peaceful and I am really responsible! YES I AM!!"
The redhead keeps walking while doing chores, because of this his mother yells at him for not focusing on one thing at the time and making a mess.
"Nooooooo what are you saying?? I'm on the couch right now! Ok ok, yeah don't worry, I'll go finish the chores now. Yes. See you in the weekend, Byeeeee~"

He then falls back on the couch and stares at the ceiling.
I am totally responsible!
He looks at the clock, 21:36, boring, too early to go to bed, too late to ask someone to hang out... wait, who said it's too late??
He gets the phone and looks for his mate's number.
*thoot**thoot* "hello?"
"Wakatoshi-kun!! What are you up to?" Yelling at this hour is a great idea. "Not much, I just finished my homework." "Say, your college is really hard uh?" "I can't say it's easy, but I'm doing my best." "Good, wanna hang out?"
Ushijima doesn't answer right away, Tendou ears him looking for something and then finally he responds.
"Uhh, I have this movie a relative gave me, do you have a recorder?" "I do!! I'll wait you here! Bye!!"

Tendou prepared everything. The recorder is in the bedroom, he pitifully tried to move it in the living room but he almost broke it.
"This shit is old, I should take a new one. Meh, too bad, I'll just put the pillows on the ground."
He put there a bottle of Coke, pop-corns and chips.


He opens the door and welcomes Ushijima who took off his shoes.
"Let's go in the bedroom, sorry I couldn't move the recorder."
"It's fine, here is the movie."
"Yayyyy! Oh~ it's still packed."
"I'll sit on the bed." "Feel free to do whatever you want!"
Tendou unpacked the movie and froze.
"Uhm, Wakatoshi-Kun. Say, who gave you this?" The bigger guy looked confused. "My uncle, why? Is there something wrong?"
"Well..." he turned around and showed him the box. 'Mix high school girls: special edition.'
Ushijima stared at it for some time.
"Is... is this... porn?" "Yeeeah... and not just some porn, it's of a pretty famous company- I mean, this movie seems famous... I think."
Ushijima looked at him. "You already watched this?" "Well, it's a special edition, it has more than just one movie... yes I saw a couple of them, but some years ago, I was just a curious kid."

For some seconds there was silence, Ushijima would just stare at him and read the plot and... other things on the box, Tendou instead was sweating a bit, he obviously did NOT expect something like this.

"You know, I never watched a porn."
Tendou's eyes widened. "oh yeah? Well, I would be surprised if you did, knowing you."
Ushijima nodded. "So, you want to watch it?"

Long story short, Ushijima wanted to watch it not really because he was horny, but because he wanted to see how it's like to watch a porn.
He was really focused, from time to time he would make a confused face, he blushed a lot and had a half boner.

Tendou focused more on him than the film.
At the end, he asked the ace what did he think about it.
"It wasn't realistic." "Yeah" "the people just entered the classroom without a real reason, it was Sunday after all, and they had the uniform,  and it was like they were looking for any reason to do it." "Yeeeeah, that's how porn works, buuut, seems like you actually liked it." He said glancing at the other's pants.
Ushijima blushed. "Sorry." "What are you sorry for? It's normal!" "Then why are you not?" "Eeeehh..."

The reason why Tendou was not turned on is actually simple.
He's gay.
The first time he watched those movies he didn't really liked them, when he entered high school he found out about the LGBT community and started questioning himself.
He did it with a guy and liked it, really, it has become an addiction.
Too bad that all the guys he did it with weren't really awesome, it was good but not satisfying.
He wondered about if there was someone BIG in his school.
He sometimes glanced at Reon, and obviously at Ushijima.
He didn't dare to look at them in the shower, he was not THAT desperate! But he wondered about their size, and... even if it was just half hard he could see how HUGE it was.

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