TsukiYama ~ an asshole can change

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Some strong language here and there.

Tsukishima POV

Lately it's really weird.
I feel this strange weight on my chest and my stomach.
And it's really uncomfortable.
I don't know how to make it stop.
Every day it becomes more and more painful.
And I kinda know why.

I start walking to school, then I hear Yamaguchi, like every morning.

I suddenly feel an heavy pressure on my chest.
My stomach is strange too.
Yamaguchi reaches me and smiles.
"Good morning Tsukki! Did you sleep well?"
I can't answer, too much pressure.

"F*cking annoying."

Narrator POV

Yamaguchi wasn't sure of what he just heard.
Tsukishima looked at him, annoyed.

"Your presence is so annoying, you're acting like a brat..." the blonde turned around "...we're not in elementary school anymore, grow up. I don't want you to talk to me. Get lost"

Tsukishima started walking to school while Yamaguchi fell back shocked.

The green haired started crying.

Some days passed.
The two of them didn't talk at all.
Tsukishima's situation hadn't got better.
He started regretting what he said to Yamaguchi. In the past, other people annoyed him so he would just cut ties with them, but he's starting to miss Yamaguchi's company, he didn't realize how actually important he was.
But he did the bullshit.

Practice, matches and school are totally normal but Yamaguchi doesn't even look at him. He acts normally with everyone, he smiles, laughs and chats with everyone but him.

Hinata, Kageyama and Yamaguchi were walking all together after school and practice.
They were chatting about lots of things, no one asked Yamaguchi or Tsukishima what happened between them.
But they wanted to know.

"Yamaguchi." Kageyama called for him with a pretty serious tone "you know what every one wants to ask, so, can you explain?"

Yamaguchi looked at him, he sighed.
"Yeah, I know, it's just... I'm doing what Tsukishima asked me to do..."

Kageyama and Hinata looked at each other, confused.
"...He told me I'm annoying and not to talk to him anymore. He said it with this disgusted face...."

Hinata was shocked.
"WHAT?! NO WAY! I already knew that he's an asshole but... even with you?!"

Kageyama was shocked too.
Then he got angry.
"I'm going to kill him."
"Wha- no, wait!" Yama tried to stop him.
"Still? Even after what he did you still want to defend him? This time he totally crossed the line."
Kageyama was deadly serious, and Yamaguchi knew that he was right.
"Y-yeah... but still... please don't get the situation worse..."

Kageyama sighed "ok I won't. But you have to stop taking his side."

Hinata watched the scene like an action movie.

The day of the trip to Tokyo arrived, they would practice with Tokyo's teams for a whole week.
They had a lot of fun and could get better day by day.

Tsukishima spent a lot of time with some guys from Fukurodani and Nekoma, yamaguchi instead practiced alone or with some friends.

"Oi, Tsukki~, where is that freckles kid?"

Tsukishima turned around and looked at the third year of Nekoma.

"Freckles! I'm talking about your friend! When we went in Miyagi you and that kid with green hair and freckles were practically glued together."

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