KuroKen ~ popularity

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angst 💧

In case you did't notice, I like tragedy.

Kuroo POV

ahhh, how nice, finally Kenma is in high school too and we can hang out again.
Being a second year is great, I'm a senpai now, sooner or later I'll make Kenma call me senpai.

He even entered the volleyball club, that will be sooo much fun.

Right now I'm in my classroom, I got along really well with my classmates, and I think that it's mostly because I'm popular.

I hang out with them because, until now, I was pretty much alone, and they treat me friendly so, no problem, right?

"Hahahah yeah, and, you saw the first years at the entrance ceremony?"

"Yeah dude! I saw some really pretty girls. And one of them got my attention, you know that I like the mysterious type, right?"

"Yeah, we know."

"Well, this girl has short black hair, yellow cat eyes, I think she is around 170cm, she's shy, like a lot!"

"Yeah, it's totally your type."

"Did you, perhaps, heard her name?"
I asked, a bit worried.

"Uhm... yeah, I think... Ko... Kosume?"
"Kenma Kozume?" I corrected him.

"Yes! Do you know her?"

I giggled "yeah, I know HIM."

They stayed silent for a good two minutes.
"Wait." One of them turned to the other guy "how the hell did you mistook him for a girl?!"

"I- I don't know man! He looked so cute! And with all those people I couldn't see the uniform!"

We all burst out laughing.

"Oh wait a second, Kuroo you often talked about this Kenma, it's your childhood friend right?"

"Ah, yes, it's true."

"Is he really cute?"

I thought about it, actually Kenma is pretty defenseless, he's thin, his skin is flawless, and his face is... yeah he is cute.
"Yeah, now that I think about it he's really cute, and it's actually not the first time that someone mistook him for a girl."

"Then... should we give it a try?..."


"Wow man, really?? Weren't you into girls?"
Said one of them a bit shocked.

"Yeah I am, but there's nothing wrong if I want to try right? And I think that Kuroo would agree, right?"

The all looked at me, waiting for an answer.
"I-I mean... I don't think it's a good idea, he's not talkative at all, and he easily goes into panic, especially if some stranger starts talking with him all of a sudden."

"So, he's the asocial type? Man I don't think you'll make it this time."
"Yeah, probably, but maybe Kuroo can."

"What?? Me?? No way, we know each other since we were nine! It would be too strange!"
"Dude, you said it yourself, he doesn't talk to anyone, but he does with you because he knows you. If you do him, then maybe we could get a chance!"

"I can't follow your logic."
"Me neither, why don't you just drop it?"
That guy's face said that he didn't want to drop it.

"But, Kuroo..." another one turned to me. "... don't tell me that you, the one who fucked almost every girl in our class last year, aren't confident about sleeping with that guy, you think you can't make it?"

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