✧༺chapter 6༻✧

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F"C'mon Marcus! Let's dance!!" She drags Marcus with her to dance. I stop in my tracks. I feel a weird feeling coming up, Abraxas told me about it. It's jealousy. Why am I jealous? I looked at them again, the feeling became stronger as I watched how close they were and how much fun they're having. Am I jealous because Fae and Marcus are dancing together? I walk away.


I was looking for Fae because we had perfect-shift. I didn't see her, how strange. I turned around and saw her, with a boy, his arms around her. Then there was screaming and Abraxas pulled me away. Fae yelled at me. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU BEAT HIM UP?!"

I didn't say anything, I just looked her in the eyes. I also don't know why, why I beat him up. I never do something like that.


I'm dancing when I feel arms wrapping around me in a hug. Before I can turn around to see who it is he talks.
"Hello snake" 

I smile recognizing the voice "Hey"
I turn around to hug him when Tom hits him!



Abraxas helps me with pulling Tom of off him. I'm furious with Tom, how could he do that?! And most of all why?!!

He just stares at me. I look back angrily. He keeps staring at my face. I realise I'm not gonna get an awnser from him and walk away.

When I reach the person Tom beat up he says. "What the fuck!! Why are you talking to him? He's the one who almost knocked me out!!"

"It's not like that!!"

"Yea right!"

"IT REALLY isn't like that!!! We're just friends me and Tom!!!!" (just friends?🤨😉)

"Mhmm sure"

"I'm not lying! I'm really not!"

"Yeah right"

"Shut up!!"


"I hate you"

"I know you love me" I walk away irritated because of him.

When I see Tom again I turn around walking away from him.
T"I only came here because our shift started"

I'm silent but walk to my dorm to change into my uniform. Tom waits outside for me. When we reach the corridors we part ways to begin our shift.

(btw it was her brother who hugged her 😂😂😅 if this is not how a brother act, i cant know, i have two older sisters and never go to parties like this and shit)

-𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚞𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I walk into the hall to see Fae sitting at the ravenclaw table, with her other friends. That's a bit surprising since she most of the time sits with us. But now she disided to sit with girls, wich I understand.

When I sit down at the table I notice that Tom's knuckles are bloody. I wonder why. He never fights!

"Tom, why did you fight?"

"Do you mean last night or this morning?" What the fuck? He got into two fights?
"Stop staring, you look pathetic and dumb!"

"Gosh, I'm sorry" I mumble under my breath when Tom walks away.

M "Does anyone know why Fae doesn't sit with us?"

A-M "Because Tom is so jealous!"

M "Is Tom jealous?"

"Yea, he's in love" Theodore says while nodding his head as if to agree with himself

M "since when?"

N"I would also like to know since when they're together!!"

F"I'm not together with him!!!! This is such bullshit!!!!"

"Bullshit?!! Yea right, the only thing you ever do is fantasize about him!!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! You're my brother, you don't know if I fantasize about anyone!!! Just for the record I don't!"

"And we hav-"

"Shut up!! Like I just said, you don't know me that good anymore!!"

Teacher "Detention!! both of you!!"

F "For what!!"

Teacher "yelling when you should be quiet and listen"

yay!!!!!!! finally done re-writing this chapter. I hope you like it. And I thinking of adding more moments with her brother, since it also was her brother at the party and again her brother in the greathall. so let me know what you think about that. and I'll still have to check the other parts if it makes sense. so I think I'm gonna start again from here. I'm soooooooooo sorry for all my readers that have to read chapters they've already read. please try to understand. (sometimes I feel like I'm apologizing to much, am I?)

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