✧༺chapter 26༻✧

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I put two chapters together in here. It was ment to be two but they were both so short that I decided to put them together. I also put the pictures that were ment to be on the different chapters together😁


another day another lesson to teach. I look out of the window bored. The children are working on their own now. It's been a 3 weeks since I last wrote to Tom the last time I saw him is even longer. I open the book and write:

Hey Tom,

How's your day been so far?

He probably won't awnser me anyway. He's probably been to busy with-

Hello darling, I'm fine how are you?

Nevermind. He wasn't to busy for me.

I'm doing okay. Missing you, teaching children. It's actually kinda boring.

How come? What were you teaching them?

How to make amortentia. But they're working on there own now.

And? How many relationships were broken?

Five this week. Already two today. And it's only the second lesson of the day. There are gonna be a lot more broken hearts this week.

Darling I have to go. We'll talk later.

Okay, Bye Tom

We never see each other anymore. Maybe I can visit him.

(😁 this is were the next chap would begin originally. I had the conversation between them done for so long. a month almost, yes as long as I've been away)

"Professor? Can you explain again?" this is the thousandst time I explain and they still don't understand. With a sigh I begin explaining again.

In the short vacation. It's more weeks later. (btw this is just a short vacation of like a week or something. after this school just continues. and yes this is important to know. it's important for one of the next chapters.)

After the lesson I walk to my room to grab my stuff and apparate to my house. That's where Tom's base came. He lead the Deatheaters from there. I apparated.

"Hey Fae, long time no see"

"Hey Xadrian. How are you?"

"I'm fine. What are you doing here?"

"Visiting ya'll. Where's Tom?"

After that it stay quiet, suspicously quiet.

"Xadrien? Where is he?"


"He isn't here is he?" It wasn't really a quiestion, because she already knew the awnser to that. "He left? Why?" she asked sounding worried.

"He, he left"

"I already knew that!! Why?!!" she asked desperatly, she was worried for him. She hadn't heard a thing of him in weeks. She was so worried because she's in love, but she keeps deneying it. When will she see that he loves her, but can't expres it himself. But neither can she. They're in love, but keep deneying it. When will this torture end? The torture for their friends who see that they're in love but they keep deneying it.

(I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this. It sounds nice and is kinda funny)

"Where the fuck is he Xadrian!!!" she yelled.

"I'm sorry-

"What are you sorry for?!!! Just tell me!!!!"

"He left to go k- to go kill-

"Who is he going to kill?!"

"Ehm, he's killing for more horcr-

"Why is he making more horcruxes?!" she broke down crying after that. The love of her life is bassically killing himself to live forever. She can't believe he's actually doing this. Doing this to himself, in a way to her.

Hello I'm back. Did you miss me? okay now seriously. I'm so sorry for being away for so long, but I didn't know how to continue. I didn't want to do a time skip, but sinse I don't know what to write instead of the time skip I will do the time skip. I know it's a short chapter, but I still have to think of how I'll write my idea and I wanted to let ya'll know I'm still alive.

Mentally I haven't been doing okay lately today I skipped a whole lesson today crying in the bathroom 😂 and I didn't want to go into the classroom again, cause it would disturb the lesson ans you could still see my cry-eyes so I didn't go back . Why was I crying in the bathroom? Because I don't like my classmates seeing me cry. yes I litteraly sat on a toilet almost a whole lesson, because I walked out of the classroom right before it started and left my stuff there. And the teacher didn't even notice!! yes I'm offended.

My lack of sleep lately isn't helping either. I sleep bad, have to much stress and I don't even have exams or anything, not yet atleast. But I have that stress because of personal problems. I don't know when I'll update again. But we'll see about that.

I haven't done nothing in the weeks I've been away, but I was working behind the scenes on different books. I'll only work on this one now. I'm also thinking about editing my other story sinse a lot people read it.

(this is the comment on originally chap 27)

I don't know what's gotten into me that I'm writing from Idk who's perspective (mine I guess) and writing like this. It's probably because I've been working on different books with a different writing style. I want to make this chapter long enough, long enough being around 1000 words with my comments. But I think I'll stop it here. I know it's very short, but I promise the next one will be longer. I hope you liked this chapter even though it's short. Maybe I'll put this one and last one together. sinse they're both short. But I'm writing this when I've just desided to do the timeskip, it's not as long as the time between publishing both parts is.

And I'm writing an end to this book.

I have a question. What kind of book should I publish next? A realistic teenage book, or a werewolf book, or a different one? I already have an idea for both. It's your choice. Or shouldn't I publish a book anymore, that it was very bad. For your idea I can put the prologues here later. cause I'm not done yet with writing them, but I have the idea's ready. just not written down yet. 

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