✧༺chapter 10༻✧

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I'm so sorry. I got sick the day before yesterday and yesterday I still was a bit sick, so I didn't update. I'm really trying to update on wednesday and saterday. but it just didn't happen yet. Btw I probably won't update next saturday, maybe, but probably not. I'm soooo sorry you're probably dissapointed in me. And I decided to change some other things in my book. yay! because no one awnsered my question I've decided I WILL involve her brother more.

T"so, I don't see what the problem is" I turn to my desk. Suddenly I'm pushed to the wall by Fae. She has her hands on my shoulders and has no idea in what a dangerous position we are right now. She's looking in my eyes again. (i think she perfectly fine knows it, but just does it to tease you)

F"We have to go to the greathall"

T"So? I'm not hungry. You can go alone"


T"go on"

F"You just interupted me!"


F"That's fucking rude"

T"Since when do you care if I'm rude?"

F"I don't!"

T"You never said anything before when I was being rude, but al of a sudden you care about my reputation, and my health"


T"Why do you do care?"

F"I don't!" she scoffed

T"Then why do you say I need to have breakfast eventhough you don't always have breakfast yourself?"

F"It's easier to take care of others"

T"why do you to take care of me?"

F"I don't know... Maybe because you're my friend!"

A-M"Are you two coming for breakfast?"

F"We'll be right there"

T"No, I won't. I have more important things to do"

F"Like what?......Making horcruxes? You seriously shouldn't do that, you're literally splitting your soul! If you actually do split it into seven peaces you'll become like a ghost! Living dead!!"

T"very 'nice' that you're so worried about me, but you can't stop me" Tom responded unemotionally. Abraxas noticed the tension raising in the room so he walked away before either of them exploded in anger. 

F"why are you always so fucking stubbern?"

T"I'm stubborn? You are the one who's stubborn here! My plans aren't changing, it's done, they're already made. You're too late to change my mind. I wasn't planning on making one, but I mean, since you gave me the great idea of doing so" i was gonna do it anyway, but she doesn't have to know that
with those words I walked away. I can't believe she thinks she can stop me. I'm going to begin with the first steps of immortality.


He walks away. I collaps against the wall, I can't believe he's gonna do that. He can't. He may not! But why do I care if he does? Then I realise, I care so much for him because I LOVE him. NO I CAN'T! I-I'll show weakness. I can't do that to my family. We were always a strong family, I guess that ends with me. The only thing I know for sure right now is that I need to find Tom before he kills  his first victim and stop him.

so  what do you think? did you like the sweet part of tom?  I hope you did. see you in the next chapter hopefully. thank you for reading this!!!

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