✧༺chapter 15༻✧

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I can't believe it! Tavor is d-dead! who did this to him? 

A-M"i'm so sorry Fae"


A-M"please calm down Fae!"

F"did Tom do this" I bursted out in tears again

A-M"y-yes he did"


A-M"i don'-

F"did he t-tor-ture h-him to d-death?" i manage to say between my sobs

A-M"y-yes" i can't believe he did this! i need to find him and talk to him!

A-M"Fae stop walking! don't go to him! please!" i didn't listen to him and continued trying to find him.

a little while later

I walk up the stairs from the astronomytower. 

I didn't find him anywhere. Am I a bad friend? But I try to. right? I seriously don't know anymore. I still love him. Right? My heart says yes, but my mind says let him go, he doesn't deserve you.(H=heart B=brain)

H"Neither do we! We don't deserve him! He's so amazing. 

B"But he hurt us! We need to let him go. Seriously you need to stop simping over him! 

H"But we love him!

B"You love him, and you need to stop simping over him!

H"You're right I LOVE him. But so do you!

I reached the tower and go to the railing. Looking at the sky I continue arguing with myself.

B"stop it! you're making us look weak by simping over some random guy

H"he's not a random gu-

B"no he's our bestfriend's brother!

H"stop it! You're making it sound like it's a bad thing!

B"it is

H"no! It's not

B"it is!




B"it is! When will you understand that? When he broke every part of you? Or isn't that enough? Does he need to break you mentally and physically?

H"stop it

B"I'll stop when you understand he's bad for us


B"just stop it. ok-

T"what are you doing here Faith?"

F"*gasp* I-I didn't know you'd be here"

T"that wasn't the question Jones"

F"I honnestly don't know what i'm doing here"

T"doesn't matter. i'm here for busniss anyway"

F"what kind of busness then?"

T"curious little thing, huh?"

F"i'm just wondering"



T"you choose: curious or nosy"

F"curious then i guess"

T"good job you made a choice."

F"thank you?"

T"lucky for you i need to speak with you"

F"what then?"

T"stop interupting me and you already knew"


T"you did it again"

i stayed silent this time, waiting for him to continue.

T"good girl. you can be silent for once" it stayed silence again. it was a comfertable silence. we were both standing near the railing, our arms resting on it, halve meter a part (1.6 foot. if google is right. i don't know. i've never used foot)

T"you need to do something for me" (what daddy? shit, i shouldn't have said that, maybe you don't think they should get together. and i haven't had your awnser on that yet. why do i write this while you only know the story till chapter 11? 

i don't know, maybe because i already write while you wait, so i can update every week? idiot. 

i'm not an idiot. thank you very much! 

your welcome

it wasn't a thank you!

you did say thank you!

what ever. i'll just let you continue the story without my interuption. bye. (i litterly have conversations like this🤣😂 i just had one))

F"what exactly?"


so she actually would do everything for me. at least i know now that she didn't lie to me a year ago when she said she would do anything for me. it's still hard to believe she'd do this. 

what do you think the favor Tom asked for is? it's not really a favour but that doesn't matter. 

hope you like this story. I'm not sure if I like this chapter. It's more like a timefiller. And it's short. but I hope you like the story in general. 

The Dark Lady ✅finishedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin