✧༺chapter 22༻✧

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When they arrived at hogwarts they sepparated ways, but couldn't help thinking about what happend in the train.

Sixth year. two weeks into the schoolyear. 


We sit on my bed talking until she leans closer looking deeply in my eyes.

F"you have beautiful eyes" what?! I thought she was gonna-

F"what? Did you expect me to kiss you again? I thought you said it was a onetime thing on the train" she smirks at me knowing that she got me there. Her glance goes back to looking in my eyes. She looks very intrigued.

Third POV

T"what?" he snaps at her

F"nothing. Their just fascinating. Eyes in general" she quickly corrected herself earning a short laugh from Tom. Her glance goes down without him noticing until he looks. He lifts his glance up, back in her eyes. Her eyes shoot back quickly when he clears his throat.

T"like what you see, Fae?" she swallowed feeling the tense between them.

F"no, I don't" she knows she's lying when she says that, or isn't she? Would she rather see him without his clothes?

(I hate myself for writing this ^ sentence)

T"we both know that's a lie"

F"then why won't you admit it?"

T"what? There's nothing I have to admit"

F"yes you do"

T"what then?"

F"that y- that you like m-me" she swallowed hard again, because she knows what he's capable of and he doesn't like what she said. Not at all. He looks her up and down to look if she's crazy.

T"I don't love. I also don't like and absolutely don't date!"

She sighed "you're never going to admit it are you? Never going to admit the tension between us. Never going to admit what you feel for me. Never going to admit and believe most of all what I feel for you. Never going to admit that you care for me more than a friend even when you'd give your live for me"

T"I don't. I will never give my live for you"

F"I would give mine"

the next day

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Marcus and Faith walked into the greathall for breakfast. They sat down and started talking. Then the headmaster walks over and calls Faith to come with him. After a few minutes he comes back, but Fae didn't come with him.
M"Professor? Where's Faith?"

"She is dismissed from school for a week and I want you to make sure she keeps up with the schoolwork after this week"

M"But where is she? and what's going on?"

"She is probably in her dorm"

Tom stood up quickly and walked to her dorm. When he got there he saw her crying in a corner of the room, her head in her knees.
Tom walked towards her and sat down next to her, he pulled her on his lap. Now she was sitting on his lap crying, he hugged her thight stroking his hand up and down her back whilist she was crying in his chest.
"What happend darling?" He spoke softly. (Soft Tom is the sweetest, don't let him hear that otherwise I'm avada kadavra-ed)

"They're d-dead, t-the-they k-kil-led th-them" she spoke between sobs

"Shhh it's okay, I'm right here"

When she calmed down a bit she spoke again.
"The Potter's killed them! They killed my family, my brother, my mother and father"

Tom held her safely in his arms. He didn't say anything, because what would you say when the only person you ever loved, truly loved, just lost her family. He just held her, but his mind was anything but calm. 'I need to get revenge for her! How could they kill her family? Are they gonna kill her too?
*I need to kill them! *'

few hours later

Fae had fallen asleep and Tom was walking to his own dormroom. He had called for an emergency meeting and wanted to meet the knights in his dormroom. Of course without Faith. Why was the meeting? Because he needed to know everything about the Potterfamily so he can kill them. They are gonna pay for what they did!! 

So this is the reason why he hates the Potter's. What do you think of it? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Well maybe you cried, but that's okay. Did you expect her family to die? Another question, why did you choose to read this book? I'm just curious, it's a part of my personality. So that's why I ask a lot questions, and I'm kinda insecure about my writing. but that's not your problem. yes at the moment I'm kinda happy, but I noticed I find it hard to get motivation lately.

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