Volume 06, Act 59: The Evening Party Brings a Stormy Premonition Part 2

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

However, Cordelias insight had been overly optimistic.

She was really grateful that they gave her a lot of attention

(But I feel like my throat is starting to hurt.)

Whenever she attended tea parties with Nirupama, she was often the listener, when she talked with Vernoux, they talked the same amount and when she talked with Hazel, Hazel did most of the talking.

She had talked a lot at her coming of age ceremony, but the fatigue she had felt at that time had to do with her nervousness. However, she could talk with people slowly now unlike the last time, so they kept asking her short questions and she didnt have time to rest her mouth.

(Its also exhausting to be the hottest topic.)

Nirupama-obasama is quite talkative, but Ive never seen her act tired from talking. I need to get used to this too after all. It seems like I have to work hard.

(But, Im thirsty)

It happened when she thought that.

Would you like something to drink, Milady?

Excuse me?

Just kidding. How is it? Are you having fun?

My, Vernoux-sama.

The women around her raised their voices when Vernoux spoke to Cordelia from among the crowd of people. Vernoux didnt pay attention to those women, but he had an amused expression on his face, so it seemed like he had been gazing at the situation for a long time.

Vernoux had spoken jokingly and had presented the glass in his hand to Cordelia as if it was nothing.

At the same time, the women naturally distanced themselves from Cordelia.

They had done that because Vernoux was the son of a Marquis, but also because they concluded that it was better to give her time to moisturise her throat since she had been talking nonstop. 『Well talk to you later』they said before they left.

Vernoux put his own glass to his lips and Cordelia also drank the glass that she had been given.

I had pretty good timing, didnt I?

Yes, thank you very much.

Give me back something in return. Anyway, something interesting happened, didnt it?

I appreciated some things. But Im not the only person who has something interesting happen to them.


Some of the ladies were looking over at Cordelia and Vernoux while blushing. They probably werent looking at Cordelia, but at Vernoux. She had already gotten too used to him, but she realised once again that he was someone who made the ladies blush.

It seemed fruitful.

Yes. It was quite fun to talk to different people.

Different people?

Cordelia raised her eyebrows since his words seemed to have a hidden meaning behind them.

Dont look at me like that. I just think youre right.

What do you mean?

For example, His Highness is also here. Myles is His Highnesss classmate.


Of course, hes incognito. A lot of people really came, didnt they?

She wanted to think that he was joking, but when she looked where he was looking, she certainly saw a young man with black hair.

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