Volume 2, Act 14: The Flantheim House's Evening Party Part 1

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Originally, this flower was a vine-type plant that crawled across the ground. It wasnt uncommon in the Pameradia fief, but it wasnt a flower that would likely appear in the Royal Capital.

Can I hear about this trick?

This flower was originally a vine-type plant, but it only accepts magic as nourishment. It doesnt need water or light, and they grow roots and leaves just by sucking up magic. So instead, I gave it my magic.

Plant growth is a specialty of the Pameradias after all. Why is it floating?

Originally, this flower drifts in the air for a few seconds after its separated from the vines. But, if its forced to grow with a sudden burst of magic, just like Ive shown you now, then it would float in the air for about a day.

When she was 10, she found out that there was a strange flower in their fief, and from then on, Cordelia messed with the flower many times in order to practice her magic. Last year, she realised that it floated in the air for a long time, and she decided to practice blooming a lot of seeds at the same time, so that she could show it at the evening party.

Im glad I made it in time, Cordelia was relieved.

Of course, Vernoux-sama would probably be unsatisfied with just this, so Ive also prepared another gift for you.

This is already entertaining enough, but Im thankful for your gifts. By the way, what is it?

Its an assortment of sweets. Ive chosen sweets that would last for days.

I see, youre very thoughtful. Anyway, are you thirsty, Dilly?

Huh? Thirsty?

Cordelia was surprised by the abrupt topic change. To be honest, she wasnt thirsty, but then she remembered that Vernoux had tried to leave a while ago.

( I wonder if he got bored with greeting people.)

Then, should I help him out?

Cordelia replied briefly, Yes, I am. Then she looked up at Nirupama, who winked at her. It seems like Oba-sama doesnt mind if I leave.

Then, Vernoux left first and beckoned her to follow, This way.

It was a really unexpected present. Ive never seen anything like that before.

Did it make you happy?

Yes. Mother too, see look. Shes still trying to touch the flowers. There are people touching the flowers throughout the venue as well. It feels like the atmosphere has gotten lighter.

But, youre happier about the sweets, arent you Vernoux-sama?

Well, forgive me for that.

Cordelia shrugged at Vernoux because his tone didnt sound like he was sorry at all.

But, Im sure he certainly regrets not being able to see this.


Yeah. Dilly, what do you want to drink? Juice, right? Here, take this. Were going over there.

Eh? Wait a minute.

Vernoux forced the drink that hed gotten from the waiter onto Cordelia and kept walking. Then, he went out onto the balcony. Cordelia didnt understand what was going on and was hesitant to turn back, so she just followed after him.

Wait, Vernoux-sama. Whats over?

Theres someone waiting here.


Cordelia doubted his statement and looked where he was looking.

The first thing she understood was that someone was standing there.

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