Volume 05, Act 51: False Good Deeds and Sincere Diligence Part 02

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: SenjiQ

After the interview, Ronnie and Cordelia went home. Then, Emina gave her a letter addressed to her. She turned the letter around and saw a wax seal of a seabird at the back. It was from Earl Zakharov.

When Cordelia went back to her room, she changed clothes and opened the letter.

He wrote that he wanted to invite Cordelia and Shelley to his mansion as an apology for getting them involved in the kidnapping incident.

A tea party to apologise, huh? I dont think its Earl Zakharovs fault though.

However, thats only if the Earl isnt involved in this incident. Ill have to reply since hes sent a written invitation.

She thought that, and there was a knock at her door.

Come in.

Pardon me. Ojou-sama, Master will be coming home early today.


Cordelia put the letter on the desk after shed responded to Emina. I dont have to write a reply straight away. I have to report to Otou-sama first.

Cordelia gave a long sigh because the things she had to report increased by one.

Usually, when Elvis said he was coming home early, he would get home a little later than dinner time. Thus, Cordelia thought he would be home around that time today too, but he came home much earlier and even called her to have dinner with him.

Elvis was still dressed in the clothes he wore when he came back from the castle.

I heard you came to the castle today too.


Ive heard most of it from Isma, but I want you to give me an explanation too.

It seems like hes already heard the gist of things.

Cordelia said the same things that she had told Isma.

Even if that girl is short-tempered, I didnt think you would accompany Earl Zakharov.

Im sorry. But I havent heard that Earl Zakharov was a particularly careful person, so I went with them.

She informed straight Elvis the reason why she had accompanied them straight away, but he gave a deep sigh in reply.

I heard that girl has the Clydereine Houses crest.


Normally, its unimaginable for someone to give ear cuffs to a servant. If they didnt steal it, then theyre probably a relative or something. Im leaving this matter to Isma, but you got to know a girl like her?

Elviss expression gradually grew bitter.

Why is he making an expression like that? Cordelia questioned, and thought of something terrible.

(I want to believe thats not the case but hes not thinking that Shelley would be my rival for the position of the Queen, right?)

Cyrus-oniisama declared that there arent any merits to me marrying into the royal family.

But Otou-sama hadnt told me that directly. However, it shouldnt be a problem since he hadnt brought that topic up ever since I declared that I didnt want to marry the Prince.

(No, no. That must never happen!)

Once she started thinking about this matter, she couldnt stop, and desperately tried to calm down the fear that had arisen within her. She was on the verge of trembling.

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