Volume 4, Act 36: Visiting the Poorhouse Part 1

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The next day after lunch, Cordelia called Lara to her room.

I want to make some sachets. Could you help me?

I heard about it from Ronnie. Im confident in sewing, so I might be better than you, Ojou-sama.

Thats reliable.

Cordelia looked at Lara, who was teasing her, and thought, this part of her is just like Ronnie. Lara usually does the retorting, but the master and student are really alike. She began explaining the sample sachet bag in her hand to Lara.

The bag they were going to make was small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. The centre of the bag would be decorated with thin lacy material to easily allow the aroma to penetrate out. The bags were small, so they would all be made from scraps of cloth. Thanks to that, she could make bags in different colours.

I dont know. I think its pretty cute.

Isnt it fine? I like it too.

Cordelia smiled when Lara spoke without hesitation.

Then, Ill give you this. This is the first one I made.

Cordelia was happy that shed received a frank reply, and instead of being told shed done well, and pushed the sachet onto Lara.

Eh, but

I wonder if itll become rubbish.

It wont!

Then, take it.


Cordelia slowly took her hands off Lara after shed heard that.

Ronnie told me that youre giving these as gifts when you go to the poorhouse.

Yes. Im thinking of using chamomile and lavender. Ill mix some flowers to increase the volume and drip some essential oil onto it to make the smell stronger. I dont think itll be a pain to dispose of, even if they dont want it.

I dont think you have to worry about that Now, lets get started!

Lara said, as she quickly arranged the sewing tools onto the table, and the two started working on the sachets.

Like Lara had said, she had a knack for sewing. She was accurate while cutting up the cloth and sewing them together. She was also very fast.

Were you always good at sewing, Lara?

No, I just learnt it from Aisha-sensei.

Really? You look like youre really used to this.

I do? But youre also good at this, Ojou-sama.

Thanks. By the way, how is the progress with the writing tools I asked for?

The graphite crumbles if I cut the wooden part. But Ive been talking with the Onee-samas from the magicians wing, and its getting a lot better.

Thats good, thanks.

Tell me that after its done.

I will. Im looking forward to the results.

Cordelia could tell that the person in question wasnt satisfied with the current results because she was pouting. Lara was very reliable.

After that, they silently focused on their work, and then Lara whispered when they had nearly completed all the sachets.

But a poorhouse? Please tell me what kind of place it is when you get back.


Lara might also be concerned about a place like the poorhouse because of her origins. However, Lara declared firmly.

✔DROP!! A TALE OF THE FRAGRANCE PRINCESSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ