Volume 1, Act 08: The Dignity of a Noble

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Ronnie surely said that the magic tool shops Master would visit the mansion in the afternoon.

Furthermore, at that time he had hinted, Sorry if he comes smelling like alcohol.

But what did he mean?

It was the appointed time and the magic tool shops Master, who appeared in front of her eyes, had an appearance utterly different from the person she saw the other day.

He was wearing a jet-black robe, his hair was tied up in a ponytail at the back, and he was dressed in something that could be said to be a magicians uniform In short, he was neatly dressed. Naturally, he didnt reek of alcohol at all.

Thank you very much for choosing my shop on this occasion.

Cordelia reflexively replied to Master, who stated so, with, It is I who should say so, I am thankful that you accepted such a difficult request, but it didnt erase the awkwardness.

It seemed that was also the case for Ronnie, who was there together with them.

Master, whats wrong? This doesnt suit you!

Master heard Ronnies words and caught him by the scruff of his neck, then lowered his head.

You, what are you saying in front of the daughter of an Earl! Or rather, why did you take the Misses out! If Id known I wouldnt have acted like!

It hurts, stop it!

Masters outcry was quiet, but it was loud enough for Cordelia to hear.

It seemed that even if he was buzzed from alcohol from noon at the shop, he was still『a man with common sense』. Ronnie was like that, so she didnt think much of it, but now that she thought about it, she felt sorry if he became a victim of foul play.

Master, please dont worry. Ronnie is normally like this after all.

But, Cordelia-sama, this guy is

Its fine. Hes talented. Thats more than enough.

She said that, but Master looked like he still had something to say.

Whats with this? Master and Ojou-sama are both being rude. Rather, Master also told me to go to the Earl mansion a while back and said that you wanted to come here too, didnt you!

Did you think Id believe that you were telling the truth in that situation?! ―――And, please excuse us, Cordelia-sama.

Its fine. More importantly, where is the glass container?

Y-yes, here is it

Master spoke as he presented the glass container to Cordelia.

The glass must have been affected by magic power because it wasnt entirely transparent; it had a slightly pale pink tint to it. The reason why Cordelia concluded that the colouring was an effect of magic power was that, when shed touched the glass, the movements of the magic power inside of her changed and was drawn towards the glass.

Well then, Ill confirm it.

Cordelia spoke and placed the glass container on the already set up apparatus. Then, she put the mint inside of the container. She had already prepared the distillation water and cooling system, so all that was left was to add heat and channel magic power so that she could validate the glass.

From here on out, I will have Master see whether my magic power reaches the medicinal herbs inside the glass container. However, I ask you not to let a word of what is being done here to anyone.

I understand.

Then, Im going to start.

Cordelia exchanged a glance with Ronnie and then lit a fire in the lamp to start the heat. Before long, vapour began forming slowly and moved to the distillation kettle. There, Cordelia held her hands towards the glass container and felt for the magic that flowed within her. When she did that, the magic power wasnt just being channelled into the mint, it moved towards the mint as if it was drawn to it. She didnt feel the magic power being repelled by the glass and the magic was easily absorbed into the glass. It passed through the glass as naturally as water flowed.

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