Volume 6, Act 55: The Fragrant Lady and Blossoms at the Coming of Age Banquet 2

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Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

After that, people walked up to Cordelia without pause and she greeted a lot of people. It was the first time that she had talked to so many people at once, so she was exhausted by the time she could take a break.

Are you tired?

Otou-sama No, Im fine.

She was actually tired, but she couldnt leave. She can only pull herself together if she looks tired. However, Elvis, who had called a nearby waiter, took a glass and gave it to Cordelia.

Go outside for a bit. Youll feel better with some fresh air, and your head will clear.


Youve already greeted everyone. Theyre talking among themselves now, so its fine for you to slip out.

Elvis declared and Cordelia couldnt object.

Its a special request, so Ill gratefully accept.

Then, Ill do that.


Elviss voice pushed her from behind as she went out. She could still hear the faint noise from the hall even though she was outside. The garden is usually quiet, but its a little lively today.

She thought as she sat on the bench to relieve the fatigue in her legs.

I cant take a long break, but if I go back too early then Otou-samas concern would be pointless. Ill go back after relieving my fatigue with the time I have, she thought and heard footsteps slowly approach her.

It was Vernoux who came.

So even you get tired after greeting a lot of people.

Since youre saying it like that, it means that you get tired as well, right Vernoux-sama?

Yeah. Im happy that theyre celebrating for me, but I cant help but think it questionable that there is a custom of tiring oneself out on a day of celebration.

Vernoux said as if he wanted them to give him a break, but his attitude said the opposite.

Can I sit next to you?

Yes. Did you have fun today?

Yeah, a lot of people came so I let them talk to me. Everyone else was so engrossed in their conversations that they didnt even notice that you had slipped out. Theyre all probably in high spirits.

Oh my, are you saying my presence is thin?

If your presence is thin, then who is thick? No one thinks that they can talk to you for a second time, thats why theyre satisfied with just talking to you once. And, youre going to get a lot of tea party invitations.

Oh my, Im looking forward to those.

If theres a lot of invitations, then Ill need a certain amount of physical strength. But, if I can get a lot of information from the tea parties, then I want to show up.

I have something serious I want to tell you. You havent had direct contact with Earl Clydereines daughter since youve returned to the royal capital, right?

Yes. I think its best if we dont get involved with each other.

Unfortunately, it doesnt seem like thats what she wants. Apparently, shes been telling people 『Theres an evil lady who thinks about wicked things』, because of her dreams.

Is that 『Evil lady』me?

She didnt state a name, but she said it was a girl with red eyes.

Isnt that basically saying its me? Thank you for telling me.

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